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Eugenia Myrtifolia plant

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€1.69 €1.99 -15%
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Generality of the Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant:

Eugenia Myrtifolia is a plant native to Australia, with a dense and rounded crown and a well branched and branched shape, it can reach 5 m in height and 2 in width; it is part of the same family as the myrtle that grows wild in Sardinia, but is not very common in cultivation in Italy. Eugenia Myrtifolia becomes an evergreen shrub, with a beautiful spring flowering, followed by red, edible berries, with which sauces and jams are prepared in other parts of the world.

Online Sale of Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant, available in the following sizes:

  • jar 7cm, height 5/15cm
Vase Size
  • Vase 7cm
  • Vase 14cm
  • Vase 18cm

Quantity Discount You Save
25 5% Up to €2.11
40 8% Up to €5.41
80 10% Up to €13.53
120 15% Up to €30.45

Online sale Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant, available in the following size:

  • jar 7cm, height 5/15cm

Generality of the Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant:

The botanical name of this plant is eugenia myrtifolia and it is a species that comes from Australia. As the name suggests, Eugenia belongs to the same family as the myrtle but, unlike the latter, it does not grow spontaneously in our country. It is an evergreen shrubby plant with a rounded shape and a very branched and thick crown: if it is allowed to grow it can reach up to five meters in height and two in width. Its leaves are oval, hard and of a dark green color, which then in autumn becomes a wonderful red with a very suggestive effect. On the top of the branches in spring, purple flowers appear on the petals and white on the stamens, gathered in corollas similar to panicles. After the flowers, eugenia produces small fruits with a particular taste, slightly acidic, widely used to make jams or to dress sauces and meats.Its flowers do not smell but are very ornamental, as are the fruits and even the leaves. which in autumn take on reddish hues. Being an evergreen, rustic and resistant plant, it is very suitable for ornamental use, also because, precisely, among flowers, fruits and foliage, it offers a pleasant view all year round. It can be grown as a single specimen to form a graceful bush, or it can be used to form hedges, although in this case it will need to be pruned often. Eugenia bears pruning very well, which is why it is also one of the most used plants in topiary art.

Cultivation and Care of Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant


Essendo una pianta rustica, l’eugenia tollera le basse temperature, anche quelle al di sotto dello zero, fino a cinque gradi. Per scongiurare il pericolo di danni durante l’inverno, però, è bene piantare il nostro esemplare in una posizione soleggiata e riparata dalle correnti gelide. Altrimenti, l’eugenia può essere messa a dimora anche in un vaso, purché sia grande, così in inverno potrà essere spostata facilmente in un luogo riparato. Deve stare in posizioni luminose ma non deve ricevere i raggi solari diretti per troppe ore al giorno, soprattutto d’estate. Il terreno deve essere organico, morbido e soprattutto ben drenato; per le siepi, il substrato deve essere preparato molto bene. L’eugenia ha poi bisogno di essere concimata in autunno e poi di nuovo in primavera, con del concime organico oppure con un prodotto a lenta cessione. L’umidità è una nemica di questa specie, per questo motivo in inverno è bene sospendere le annaffiature; nei periodi caldi, invece, l’eugenia va irrigata regolarmente e abbondantemente, ma solo quando il terreno è ben asciutto.

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