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Piante Resistenti Al Freddo

Viburnum Tinus plant Viburnum Tinus plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
7446 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Viburnum Tinus plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:  The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
769 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Buxus Rotundifolia Plant Pot 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generality of the Buxus Rotundifolia plant: The Buxus Rotundifolia plant is a shrub or small evergreen tree, native to Europe, Japan and the slow-growing, very long-lived Himalayan plateau; it is widely used as a single plant or as a hedge plant, the dwarf varieties are very popular, as they form very decorative rounded cushions. It has dark and wrinkled...
Corbezzolo Plant Corbezzolo Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
590 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Corbezzolo Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Corbezzolo: La pianta Corbezzolo e' originario del bacino del Mediterraneo. Fiorisce da ottobre a dicembre e fruttifica nell'autunno seguente. Molto interessante nel periodo autunnale la presenza contemporanea di frutti dai colori che variano dall'arancio al rosso con fiori bianchi ben raccolti in grappoli. Le piante di corbezzolo...
Cherry Laurel plant Cherry Laurel plant 2
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Hedge Plants

Cherry Laurel plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generality of the Cherry Laurel Plant: The Cherry Laurel plant is a very common shrub in Italian gardens. It is a vigorous and resistant shrub, evergreen, with dense and compact vegetation; the leaves are oval, lanceolate, with a toothed margin, of a dark green color; in spring, small white star flowers bloom. Before placing the Cherry Laurel plant, it is...
Photinia plant Photinia plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
6281 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm 2
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Bush Plants

Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm

Mondo Piante
€4.24 €4.99
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Perovskia Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
754 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

Perovskia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.70 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Perovskia : La Pianta Perovskia produce fusti legnosi di altezza 90-100 cm; il fogliame è di colore verde-grigiastro.Se stropicciate le foglie emanano un intenso profumo di salvia. Dalla primavera, fino all'estate,sbocciano spighe di colore blu, simili ai fiori di lavanda. La lunga fioritura ed il fogliame decorativo rendono la perovskia...
Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1077 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
Abelia Grandiflora Plant Abelia Grandiflora Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
9049 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Abelia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Grandiflora : La Pianta Abelia grandiflora,ha portamento tondeggiante e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali, di piccole dimensioni, di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in autunno tutta la pianta assume questo gradevole colore. In...
Thyme Plant Thyme Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1582 pezzi -
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Aromatic plants

Thyme Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generality of the Thyme Plant: The Thyme plant, in addition to being a well-known aromatic, used and cultivated, is grown in the garden also as an ornamental plant; produces small rounded cushions, with erect stems, arranged to form a dense foliage, with small oval or lanceolate leaves, dark green, light green, gray green. Some species have greyish...
Cotoneaster Queen of...
  • Reduced price / -15%
9264 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
Rhyncospermum Jasminoides...
  • Reduced price / -15%
5075 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Rhyncospermum Jasminoides Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities Rhyncospermum Jasminoides plant: The species Passiflora edulis, unlike other passion flowers, is self-fertile, that is, it can produce even if grown alone. The fruits are exquisite berries, varying in color from purple to yellow, and contain numerous small seeds immersed in a yellow gelatinous mass. It can be grown where the temperature does...
Privet plant Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1560 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1486 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
466 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€12.75 €15.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
€254.15 €299.00
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
copy of Pianta Ligustro copy of Pianta Ligustro 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
2100 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Ligustro

Mondo Piante
€136.00 €160.00
Generalità Pianta Ligustro: Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
2193 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€254.15 €299.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€5.95 €7.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Viburnum Tinus plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
462 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Viburnum Tinus plant

Mondo Piante
€5.95 €7.00
Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:  The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
copy of Photinia plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€5.95 €7.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Viburnum Tinus plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
111600 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Viburnum Tinus plant

Mondo Piante
€5.95 €7.00
Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:  The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€12.74 €14.99
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Cotoneaster Queen...
  • Reduced price / -5%
1083 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
copy of Cotoneaster Queen...
  • Reduced price / -5%
3841 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
545 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
€59.50 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
copy of Edera Hibernica... copy of Edera Hibernica... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
992 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€59.50 €70.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Photinia plant copy of Photinia plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
499 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€12.75 €15.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
499 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€12.75 €15.00
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Carex Buchananii... copy of Carex Buchananii... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
4998 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€6.37 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
  • New
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
€15.30 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
copy of Photinia plant copy of Photinia plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
  • New
1105 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€15.30 €18.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Pianta Ligustro copy of Pianta Ligustro 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
  • New
1110 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Ligustro

Mondo Piante
€15.30 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Ligustro: Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
copy of Corbezzolo Plant copy of Corbezzolo Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
  • New
1110 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Corbezzolo Plant

Mondo Piante
€15.30 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Corbezzolo: La pianta Corbezzolo e' originario del bacino del Mediterraneo. Fiorisce da ottobre a dicembre e fruttifica nell'autunno seguente. Molto interessante nel periodo autunnale la presenza contemporanea di frutti dai colori che variano dall'arancio al rosso con fiori bianchi ben raccolti in grappoli. Le piante di corbezzolo...
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