Hedge Plants
9734 pezzi -
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Generality of the Buxus Faulkner plant:
Boxwood is an indispensable and almost irreplaceable rustic plant for creating small hedges and borders. It is an evergreen shrub with glossy green foliage, with a very compact habit, used for the construction of borders and low hedges. It grows well in any terrain and in any light conditions. Very resistant to...
779 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Berberis plant:
The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...
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Generalities of the Crategus plant:
The Crategus plant includes about two hundred species of trees and shrubs.They have an upright habit and produce a disordered crown, the shrubs reach 3-4 meters in height, the trees reach a maximum height of 6-8 meters. The leaves are dark green, oval, shiny, slightly leathery. In spring it produces small, five-petalled...
671 pezzi -
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Generality of the Buxus Rotundifolia plant:
The Buxus Rotundifolia plant is a shrub or small evergreen tree, native to Europe, Japan and the slow-growing, very long-lived Himalayan plateau; it is widely used as a single plant or as a hedge plant, the dwarf varieties are very popular, as they form very decorative rounded cushions. It has dark and wrinkled...
1104 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Elaeagnus:
The Elagnus plant has erect stems, dark in color, densely branched, hardly reaching imposing dimensions, usually remaining below 4-5 meters. The Elagnus has silver gray leaves; many species have variegated leaves. The flowers are small, whitish, fragrant and bloom in spring or autumn, depending on the species. In autumn or...
525 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Buxus Sempervirens plant:
Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of varying height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged...
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Generalities of the Eugenia Newport plant:
Eugenia Newport is an evergreen plant with a pyramidal habit and intense green, glossy and decidedly very elegant foliage. The new shoots are reddish and white flowers, similar to fluff, which then leave room for red-purple berries in late summer. It is a very compact plant, ideal for forming dense hedges and...
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Generality of the Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant:
Eugenia Myrtifolia is a plant native to Australia, with a dense and rounded crown and a well branched and branched shape, it can reach 5 m in height and 2 in width; it is part of the same family as the myrtle that grows wild in Sardinia, but is not very common in cultivation in Italy. Eugenia Myrtifolia becomes...
1928 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Plant Euonymus Japonicus Bravo:
The Euonymus japonicus 'Bravo' plant thrives very well in well-drained and fertile soils, but in reality it adapts very well to all types of soil. It has a height ranging from 1 to 1.50 m. and the diameter is 1 m. It has a vigorous compact vegetation and erect branches. It is very resistant to cold and...
2121 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Euonymus Esmerald Gold Plant:
The Euonymus fortunei emerald gold plant is an evergreen ground cover shrub with bright and colorful foliage that is very interesting for both private and public gardens. The foliage that is variegated bright yellow / green. Euonymus fortunei emerald gold is generally used as a ground cover plant but can...
1282 pezzi -
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Generality of the Euonymus Livornese plant:
The Euonymus Japonicus Leghorn plant, defined as 'evonym of Japan', is a thick, bushy, evergreen shrub with slightly pointed, toothed, leathery, shiny opposite leaves with a bright yellow interior and wide dark green margins, up to 6 cm long.In late spring it produces small white-green flowers with orange arils,...
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Generality of the Cherry Laurel Plant:
The Cherry Laurel plant is a very common shrub in Italian gardens. It is a vigorous and resistant shrub, evergreen, with dense and compact vegetation; the leaves are oval, lanceolate, with a toothed margin, of a dark green color; in spring, small white star flowers bloom. Before placing the Cherry Laurel plant, it is...
9868 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Laurel plant:
The Laurel plant, also called Laurus nobilis, is an aromatic plant widespread in nature throughout the Mediterranean area. They are evergreen trees, which can reach ten meters in height. The Laurel plant produces a dense and dense vegetation, has a stem with dark bark, very branched, often also in the lower part, to give...
1526 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Privet Plant:
Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
653 pezzi -
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Generality of the Osmanthus plant:
Osmanthus is a plant native to Asia. Osmanthus is a shrub native to East Asia: it is known, appreciated and used here for its aromatic and medicinal virtues. The name osmanthus derives from the Greek and emphasizes its peculiar characteristic of having deliciously scented flowers and leaves. It has been known in Italy...
6107 pezzi -
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Generality of the Photinia plant:
The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
4726 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Phillyrea Angustifolia plant:
Phillyrea angustifolia is a shrub native to the Mediterranean, ideal for forming hedges in a Mediterranean and coastal climate. Its foliage is composed of lanceolate leaves of a shiny dark green color, which give life to a very compact shrub and ideal for hedges. Phillyrea angustifolia produces fragrant...
107677 pezzi -
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Generality of the Plant Glossy Viburnum:
The viburnum plant is widespread in gardens due to its ease of cultivation, they generally have a rounded shape and reach 3-4 meters in height over a few years. The foliage is oval or lanceolate of dark green color. The stems are very branched, and withstand even drastic pruning, to keep the shrub more compact....
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Generality of the Opulus guelder plant:
Viburnum opulus is a plant that includes evergreen shrubs and trees. It is a deciduous shrub whose leaves closely resemble those of maple. These have a dark green color and tend to take on reddish hues during the autumn seasons. The real peculiarity of this plant is represented by its spherical flowers, on the...
7426 pezzi -
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Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:
The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
1203 pezzi -
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Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant:
The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
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Generalities of the Lentisk plant:
The Lentisk plant is an evergreen shrub that can reach 4-5 m in height and 2-3 m in width. The bark is reddish; the leaves consist of oval, dark green leaflets. At the beginning of spring, small greenish flowers bloom in the leaf axil, the female flowers, darker and tending to red the male flowers; in summer the flowers...
485 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant:
The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical habit, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
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Generality of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii:
The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
11403 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Myrsine plant:
The Myrsine africana is a dioecious shrub (each individual bears either only male or female flowers), evergreen, very ramified and compact, up to about 1.5 m tall, with thin ascending branches, greyish, tomentose in the apical part, marked by scars of fallen leaves. The name of the genus comes from the Greek term...
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Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso:
La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
2462 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Alloro:
La pianta Alloro, detta anche Laurus nobilis, è una pianta aromatica diffusa in natura in tutta l’area mediterranea. Sono alberi sempreverdi, che possono raggiungere i dieci metri di altezza. La pianta Alloro produce una vegetazione densa e fitta, ha fusto con corteccia scura, molto ramificato, spesso anche nella parte bassa, a...
2099 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Ligustro:
Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
1402 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Euonymus Livornese:
La pianta Euonymus Japonicus livornese,definita 'evonimo del Giappone', è un arbusto folto, cespuglioso, sempreverde con foglie opposte leggermente appuntite, dentate, coriacee, lucenti dall’ interno giallo brillante e larghi margini verde scuro, lunghe fino a 6 cm.A tarda primavera produce fiori piccoli di color...
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Generalità Pianta Eugenia Myrtifolia:
L’Eugenia Myrtifolia è una pianta originaria dell’Australia, dalla chioma densa e arrotondata e dalla forma ben accestita e ramificata, può raggiungere i 5 m di altezza ed i 2 di larghezza; fa parte della stessa famiglia del mirto che cresce spontaneo in Sardegna, ma è poco diffusa in coltivazione in Italia. L’Eugenia...
493 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant:
The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
1487 pezzi -
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Generality of the Buxus Plant:
Buy from the comfort of your home Plants of Buxus Sempervirens, Hedge Plant with geometric shapes: ball, cone, pyramid or spiral. Welcome Discount 10%. Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and...
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Generality of the Buxus Plant:
Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
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Generality of the Buxus Plant:
Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
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Generality of the Buxus Plant:
Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
500 pezzi -
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Generality of the Buxus Plant:
Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
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Generalities of the Berberis plant:
The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...
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Hedge Plants
copy of Juniperus Horizontalis Blue Chip Plant (Creeping Juniper)
Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Juniperus Horizontalis Blue Chip plant:
Juniperus horizontalis or creeping juniper is a small, evergreen ground cover shrub native to North America. It has an arched, drooping posture and forms large, densely ramified spots, up to a few meters wide, with a height ranging from 15-20 cm up to 35-50 cm.
jar 14cm, height 15/20cm
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Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant:
The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
3 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant:
The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
461 pezzi -
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Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:
The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
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Generality of the Photinia plant:
The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
111598 pezzi -
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Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:
The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
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Generalities of the Plant Euonymus Japonicus Bravo:
The Euonymus japonicus 'Bravo' plant thrives very well in well-drained and fertile soils, but in reality it adapts very well to all types of soil. It has a height ranging from 1 to 1.50 m. and the diameter is 1 m. It has a vigorous compact vegetation and erect branches. It is very resistant to cold and...
904 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Plant Euonymus Japonicus Bravo:
The Euonymus japonicus 'Bravo' plant thrives very well in well-drained and fertile soils, but in reality it adapts very well to all types of soil. It has a height ranging from 1 to 1.50 m. and the diameter is 1 m. It has a vigorous compact vegetation and erect branches. It is very resistant to cold and...
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Generalities of the Privet Plant:
Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
382 pezzi -
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Generalities Plant Dipladenia:
The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
508 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Privet Plant:
Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
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Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso:
La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
996 pezzi -
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Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant:
The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
990 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Elaeagnus:
The Elagnus plant has erect stems, dark in color, densely branched, hardly reaching imposing dimensions, usually remaining below 4-5 meters. The Elagnus has silver gray leaves; many species have variegated leaves. The flowers are small, whitish, fragrant and bloom in spring or autumn, depending on the species. In autumn or...
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Generalities of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider:
The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
500 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider:
The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
500 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider:
The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
475 pezzi -
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Generality of the Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant:
Eugenia Myrtifolia is a plant native to Australia, with a dense and rounded crown and a well branched and branched shape, it can reach 5 m in height and 2 in width; it is part of the same family as the myrtle that grows wild in Sardinia, but is not very common in cultivation in Italy. Eugenia Myrtifolia becomes...
498 pezzi -
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Generality of the Photinia plant:
The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
498 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Privet Plant:
Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
500 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Elaeagnus:
The Elagnus plant has erect stems, dark in color, densely branched, hardly reaching imposing dimensions, usually remaining below 4-5 meters. The Elagnus has silver gray leaves; many species have variegated leaves. The flowers are small, whitish, fragrant and bloom in spring or autumn, depending on the species. In autumn or...
485 pezzi -
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Generality of the Plant Glossy Viburnum:
The viburnum plant is widespread in gardens due to its ease of cultivation, they generally have a rounded shape and reach 3-4 meters in height over a few years. The foliage is oval or lanceolate of dark green color. The stems are very branched, and withstand even drastic pruning, to keep the shrub more compact....
489 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Laurel plant:
The Laurel plant, also called Laurus nobilis, is an aromatic plant widespread in nature throughout the Mediterranean area. They are evergreen trees, which can reach ten meters in height. The Laurel plant produces a dense and dense vegetation, has a stem with dark bark, very branched, often also in the lower part, to give...
1107 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Oleandro :
Le Piante di Oleandro, provenienti dal mediterraneo, appartengono ad un genere di arbusti sempreverdi, coltivati soprattutto per la fioritura e per il fogliame. I fiori, che variano dal rosa al bianco, dal rosso al giallo, sbocciano dall'inizio della primavera fino all'autunno inoltrato. La Pianta Oleandro produce frutti...
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Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso:
La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
1082 pezzi -
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Generality of the Photinia plant:
The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
1108 pezzi -
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Generalità Pianta Ligustro:
Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
4998 pezzi -
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Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant:
The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
500 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Crategus plant:
The Crategus plant includes about two hundred species of trees and shrubs.They have an upright habit and produce a disordered crown, the shrubs reach 3-4 meters in height, the trees reach a maximum height of 6-8 meters. The leaves are dark green, oval, shiny, slightly leathery. In spring it produces small, five-petalled...
500 pezzi -
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Generality of the Opulus guelder plant:
Viburnum opulus is a plant that includes evergreen shrubs and trees. It is a deciduous shrub whose leaves closely resemble those of maple. These have a dark green color and tend to take on reddish hues during the autumn seasons. The real peculiarity of this plant is represented by its spherical flowers, on the...
500 pezzi -
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Generalities of the Berberis plant:
The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...