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Plants Peculiarity

Plants Classification
Sage Plant
Out of stock
Aromatic plants

Sage Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sage Plant: Sage is perhaps the most famous aromatic plant known. It can be considered the most important of the kitchen, as it is known and used all over the world for its aroma since ancient times. The species that we are accustomed to use to flavor our dishes is the Sage officinalis or common sage, a perennial species native to the...
Viburnum Tinus plant Viburnum Tinus plant 2
7484 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Viburnum Tinus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:  The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
Ginestra Plant Ginestra Plant 2
1394 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Ginestra Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ginestra : La Ginestra è un arbusto a foglie caduche, originario del bacino mediterraneo. Raggiunge i 2-3 metri di altezza ed ha portamento eretto, con chioma molto ramificata; i fusti sono sottili,colore verde scuro; le foglie sono piccole, lanceolate, di colore verde scuro, molto distanziate le une dalle altre, cadono all'inizio della...
Hibiscus Plant Hibiscus Plant 2
1834 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Hibiscus Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Hibiscus: L’ibisco è una pianta della famiglia delle Malvaceae. Ne esistono oltre 200 specie. Si tratta di una pianta originaria dell’Asia Minore, in particolare della zona di Istanbul. L’ibisco è un arbusto che viene coltivato nei giardino come pianta ornamentale e negli spazi urbani. La pianta con la sua crescita può superare i 2 metri...
Plant Aeschynanthus...
2969 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Plant Aeschynanthus marmoratus Vase 17cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Eschinanthus plant: Eschinanthus are exotic plants appreciated for the beauty of their bearing, easy to grow indoors and very decorative especially if grown in hanging baskets. -DISPONIBILE IN 5/7 days jar 17cm, height 35/50cm
Peppermint Plant Peppermint Plant 2
Aromatic plants

Peppermint Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Peppermint Plant: Peppermint is an evergreen with ovate leaves, with toothed margins covered with hair. They are used in the medical field or in gastronomy. It's very used in the kitchen to flavor salads or vegetables. The mint plant grows in the ground, in a sunny place, with a fresh and rich soil, at the time of planting, we work well...
Bouganvillea Plant Bouganvillea Plant 2
4916 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... 2
925 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Buxus Rotundifolia Plant Pot 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Rotundifolia plant: The Buxus Rotundifolia plant is a shrub or small evergreen tree, native to Europe, Japan and the slow-growing, very long-lived Himalayan plateau; it is widely used as a single plant or as a hedge plant, the dwarf varieties are very popular, as they form very decorative rounded cushions. It has dark and wrinkled...
Agapanthus Africano Plant Agapanthus Africano Plant 2
958 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm 2
1026 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Convolvolus: La pianta Convolvolus è una pianta erbacea, rampicante annuale o perenne, talvolta semiarbustiva o cespugliosa. Le foglie possono essere cuoriformi, lanceolate, a forma di spatola, con margini lisci o dentellati, glabre o pelose di color verde chiaro o scuro a seconda della specie. I fiori sono sempre a forma di imbuto molto...
Aglaomorpha coronans plant...
Piante Da Interno

Aglaomorpha coronans plant Vase 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Aglaomorpha coronans plant: The Aglaomorpha coronans plant is a splendid medium to large fern with short to medium branched rhizomes. It creates beautiful baskets and hanging pots with leaves that can reach up to one meter in length. -disbonible IN 5/7 days jar 12cm, height 20/25cm
CURRY PLANT 'Helichrysum... CURRY PLANT 'Helichrysum... 2
787 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

CURRY PLANT 'Helichrysum Italicum'

Mondo Piante
Generality of the CURRY PLANT 'Helichrysum Italicum': The Helichrysum plants include many species originating in Asia and Africa, they can be perennial, annual or medium-sized shrubs. The Elicriso plants reach 50-60 cm in height, the stems are erect, rigid, gray-blue, and are covered with oblong or lanceolate leaves, the same color of the stems, the...
Lavender Plant Lavender Plant 2
963 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

Lavender Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Lavender Plant: The lavender plant is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterranean basin. It has silvery leaves, very fragrant, narrow and elongated; in summer it produces many flowers, small and fragrant, grouped in spikes. Most varieties are resistant to cold and are used in the garden, like hedges or to form large bushes....
Dipladenia Plant Dipladenia Plant 2
Product available with different options
Climbing plants

Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
3 Reviews
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
Corbezzolo Plant Corbezzolo Plant 2
758 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Corbezzolo Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Corbezzolo: La pianta Corbezzolo e' originario del bacino del Mediterraneo. Fiorisce da ottobre a dicembre e fruttifica nell'autunno seguente. Molto interessante nel periodo autunnale la presenza contemporanea di frutti dai colori che variano dall'arancio al rosso con fiori bianchi ben raccolti in grappoli. Le piante di corbezzolo...
Common Myrtle Plant Common Myrtle Plant 2
821 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Common Myrtle Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Mirto Comune: Le piante di Mirto sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per la bellezza delle foglie,dei fiori e delle bacche,utilizzati anche nell'arte topiaria. Si tratta di una pianta arbustiva, il cui fusto può raggiungere i tre metri di altezza, le foglie sono di forma ovale, di colore verde scuro e delicatamente profumate. I...
Aglaonema Plant Vase 40cm
Piante Da Interno

Aglaonema Plant Vase 40cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Aglaonema plant: Aglaonema plants are very popular in our homes, characterized by very decorative green leaves streaked with white. It produces inflorescences similar to the calla flower. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 40cm, height 70/80cm
Passiflora Cerulea Plant Passiflora Cerulea Plant 2
1331 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Passiflora Cerulea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Passiflora Caerulea plant: Passionflower is a herbaceous plant with climbing habit. It grows quickly and can be grown both in pots and in the ground, alongside walls, railings and gates exposed to the sun. Passiflora there are hundreds of species and all popular for the beauty of the flowers or the beneficial properties. Passiflora caerulea...
Cherry Laurel plant Cherry Laurel plant 2
1374 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Cherry Laurel plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Cherry Laurel Plant: The Cherry Laurel plant is a very common shrub in Italian gardens. It is a vigorous and resistant shrub, evergreen, with dense and compact vegetation; the leaves are oval, lanceolate, with a toothed margin, of a dark green color; in spring, small white star flowers bloom. Before placing the Cherry Laurel plant, it is...
Oleandro Plant Oleandro Plant 2
1767 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Oleandro Plant

Mondo Piante
1 Reviews
Generalità Pianta Oleandro : Le Piante di Oleandro, provenienti dal mediterraneo, appartengono ad un genere di arbusti sempreverdi, coltivati soprattutto per la fioritura e per il fogliame. I fiori, che variano dal rosa al bianco, dal rosso al giallo, sbocciano dall'inizio della primavera fino all'autunno inoltrato. La Pianta Oleandro produce frutti...
copy of Rue Plant
1084 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

copy of Rue Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Rue Plant: Rue is a perennial herbaceous plant with herbaceous stems rather ramified up to one meter high. The leaves are three-hectares divided into very fragrant lacinias, used in the kitchen and to flavor the grappa. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellow, brought by apical inflorescences in corymbus. The fruits are capsules...
Aglaonema Silver plant
Piante Da Interno

Aglaonema Silver plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Aglaonema Silver plant: Aglaonema Silver plants are very popular in our homes, characterized by very decorative green leaves streaked with white. It produces inflorescences similar to the calla flower. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 24cm, height 50/60cm
Melissa Plant
592 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

Melissa Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Melissa Plant: Melissa plant is a perennial herbaceous that reaches a height of 60-70 cm, native to Europe and the countries that overlook the Mediterranean. It consists of thick tufted tufts of thin stems, a square, opposite, pointed section, a heart shape, with a finely notched, wrinkled margin. It has numerous pinkish white tubular...
Lonicera Caprifolium Plant Lonicera Caprifolium Plant 2
988 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Lonicera Caprifolium Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Lonicera Caprifolium plant: The best known climbing plant Lonicera is the Honeysuckle, Lonicera Caprifolium, originally from Europe. These are vigorous vines, with fickle stems that cling to whatever support they find, or they develop streaks with deciduous leaves, with fragrant cream-white flowers. The salient feature of these creepers is...
Photinia plant Photinia plant 2
6430 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
Callistemon Plant Callistemon Plant 2
1201 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Callistemon Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Callistemon: La pianta Callistemon, è una specie molto conosciuta per i suoi bellissimi fiori. Sono piante sempreverdi, molto coltivati per adornare giardini e prati. Ha crescita lenta e in genere si mantengono di dimensioni vicine ai 150-200 cm di altezza.I fusti sono rigidi, di colore bruno; le foglie sono di colore verde scuro. A...
Gazania Nivea Plant Gazania Nivea Plant 2
Bush Plants

Gazania Nivea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Gazania Nivea: Le Piante Di Gazania producono fiori di colori vivaci ed hanno un portamento tappezzante. Le gazanie hanno foglie lucide, di colore verde scuro, arrotondate, con fiori di diametro vicino ai dieci centimetri, simili a grandi margherite, di colore  giallo.E' una pianta che necessita di essere esposta ai raggi diretti del...
Baby Alocasia plant Baby Alocasia plant 2
1117 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Baby Alocasia plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Baby Alocasia Plant:: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears.. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 12cm, height 20/25cm
Abutilon Plant Abutilon Plant 2
888 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Abutilon Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abutilon: La pianta Abutilon è una pianta sempreverde sia erbacea che arbustiva che può raggiungere dimensioni notevoli: un metro e mezzo di altezza se allevate in vaso ma anche 5 m se coltivate in piena terra. Le foglie sono di forma ovale ellittica o cuoriforme a seconda della specie. I fiori, solitari o riuniti in infiorescenze, sono...
Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm 2
1380 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Red Metrosideros Plant Red Metrosideros Plant 2
9671 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Red Metrosideros Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Metrosideros Rosso: La pianta Metrosideros conta circa trenta specie di alberi e arbusti sempreverdi, originari delle isole Hawaii, dell'Australia e della Nuove Zelanda. Hanno portamento eretto, allargato, con chioma molto densa e ramificata; le foglie sono ovali, di colore verde scuro, ricoperte da una spessa peluria grigio-biancastra....
Rue Plant Rue Plant 2
44128 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

Rue Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Rue Plant: Rue is a perennial herbaceous plant with herbaceous stems rather ramified up to one meter high. The leaves are three-hectares divided into very fragrant lacinias, used in the kitchen and to flavor the grappa. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellow, brought by apical inflorescences in corymbus. The fruits are capsules...
copy of Lavender Plant copy of Lavender Plant 2
9969 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Lavender Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Lavender Plant: The lavender plant is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterranean basin. It has silvery leaves, very fragrant, narrow and elongated; in summer it produces many flowers, small and fragrant, grouped in spikes. Most varieties are resistant to cold and are used in the garden, like hedges or to form large bushes....
Alocasia Lauterbachiana plant
2469 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Lauterbachiana plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Lauterbachiana plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called Elephant Ears. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 17cm, height 60/70cm
Polyanthum jasmine Plant Polyanthum jasmine Plant 2
Climbing plants

Polyanthum jasmine Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Polyanthum jasmine plant:  the Polyanthum Jasmine is a climbing plant with a decorative design widely used in gardens for ornamental purposes, for separation hedges, embellishing gazebos and pergolas. It is a perennial climbing plant with a shrubby bearing, thickly branched with hanging semi-woody stems bearing numerous ovate and shiny,...
Plumbago Plant Plumbago Plant 2
10484 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Plumbago Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Plumbago: La pianta Plumbago è un arbusto rampicante originario dell'Africa, alcune specie di plumbago sono originarie dell'Europa meridionale. Ha fusti sottili, semilegnosi, che possono raggiungere lunghezze prossime ai 1,5-2 metri, ma che solitamente vengono mantenuti più compatti con potature autunnali; le foglie sono ovali e di...
Pitosforo Tobira plant Pitosforo Tobira plant 2
1309 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Pitosforo Tobira plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant: The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
Perovskia Plant Perovskia Plant 2
878 pezzi -
Garden Plants

Perovskia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Perovskia : La Pianta Perovskia produce fusti legnosi di altezza 90-100 cm; il fogliame è di colore verde-grigiastro.Se stropicciate le foglie emanano un intenso profumo di salvia. Dalla primavera, fino all'estate,sbocciano spighe di colore blu, simili ai fiori di lavanda. La lunga fioritura ed il fogliame decorativo rendono la perovskia...
Pepino Plant
4917 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Pepino Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Alocasia Portadora plant Alocasia Portadora plant 2
465 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Portadora plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Portadora plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 17cm, height 60/70cm
Plant Zamioculcas...
Piante Da Colezione

Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia Vase 35cm

Generality of the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the only species belonging to the genus Zamioculcas of the Araceae family. It is a bulbous, succulent, evergreen plant native to tropical Africa. It is especially appreciated for the beauty of its fleshy, lanceolate, pinnate leaves, of a very glossy intense green color. jar 35cm,...
Pianta Passiflora Edulis Pianta Passiflora Edulis 2
10965 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Pianta Passiflora Edulis

Mondo Piante
Generalities Passiflora Edulis plant: The species Passiflora edulis, unlike other passion flowers, is self-fertile, that is, it can produce even if grown alone. The fruits are exquisite berries, varying in color from purple to yellow, and contain numerous small seeds immersed in a yellow gelatinous mass. It can be grown where the temperature does not drop...
Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... 2
1102 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
Gardenia Nana Plant Gardenia Nana Plant 2
9858 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Gardenia Nana Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Gardenia Nana  : La pianta di Gardenia è originaria della Cina, essa è molto stimata dai coltivatori, e per questo motivo risulta essere la pianta più coltivata del mondo. Il motivo per il quale la pianta è molto apprezzata, è il fogliame che risulta essere molto decorativo, con un colore verde lucido, e dei fiori bianchi grandi e...
Lantana Camara Plant Lantana Camara Plant 2
1184 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Lantana Camara Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Lantana Camara: La lantana camara è una delle specie più conosciute, probabilmente la più conosciuta, del genere lantana. Le caratteristiche, e per molti anche le qualità, di questo un arbusto sempreverde sono le infiorescenze costituite da piccoli fiori fragranti multicolori e l’odore intenso delle foglie, sgradevole ma efficace contro...
Alocasia Cucullata plant
89 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Cucullata plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Cucullata plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 14cm, height 50cm
copy of Plant Zamioculcas...
1192 pezzi -
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia Vase 35cm

Generality of the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the only species belonging to the genus Zamioculcas of the Araceae family. It is a bulbous, succulent, evergreen plant native to tropical Africa. It is especially appreciated for the beauty of its fleshy, lanceolate, pinnate leaves, of a very glossy intense green color. jar 35cm,...
Abelia Grandiflora Plant Abelia Grandiflora Plant 2
9075 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Abelia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Grandiflora : La Pianta Abelia grandiflora,ha portamento tondeggiante e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali, di piccole dimensioni, di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in autunno tutta la pianta assume questo gradevole colore. In...
Feijoa Sellowiana Plant Feijoa Sellowiana Plant 2
1047 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Feijoa Sellowiana Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Feijoa Sellowiana: La Feijoa è un arbusto sempreverde di origine brasiliana. Ha portamento ramificato, con crescita abbastanza lenta. Le foglie sono di colore grigio verde , spesse, lucide e cuoiose, di colore argenteo. In primavera inoltrata produce grandi fiori di colore bianco rosato, con lunghi stami rosso corallo; in estate ai fiori...
Nandina Domestica Plant Nandina Domestica Plant 2
Bush Plants

Nandina Domestica Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Nandina Domestica: La pianta Nandina Domestica è un arbusto sempreverde originario dell'Asia, molto rustico, ben adattato al clima italiano, ed europeo in genere. Da un robusto apparato radicale vengono prodotti sottili fusti legnosi, che all'apice portano ampi cespi di grandi foglie pennate, costituite da sottili foglioline lanceolate,...
copy of Lantana Camara Plant copy of Lantana Camara Plant 2
10191 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Lantana Camara Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Lantana Camara: La lantana camara è una delle specie più conosciute, probabilmente la più conosciuta, del genere lantana. Le caratteristiche, e per molti anche le qualità, di questo un arbusto sempreverde sono le infiorescenze costituite da piccoli fiori fragranti multicolori e l’odore intenso delle foglie, sgradevole ma efficace contro...
Alocasia tree
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Plant Zamioculcas... copy of Plant Zamioculcas... 2
11492 pezzi -
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia Vase 35cm

Generality of the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the only species belonging to the genus Zamioculcas of the Araceae family. It is a bulbous, succulent, evergreen plant native to tropical Africa. It is especially appreciated for the beauty of its fleshy, lanceolate, pinnate leaves, of a very glossy intense green color. jar 35cm,...
Thyme Plant Thyme Plant 2
1650 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

Thyme Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Thyme Plant: The Thyme plant, in addition to being a well-known aromatic, used and cultivated, is grown in the garden also as an ornamental plant; produces small rounded cushions, with erect stems, arranged to form a dense foliage, with small oval or lanceolate leaves, dark green, light green, gray green. Some species have greyish...
Edera Algeriensis Plant jar... Edera Algeriensis Plant jar... 2
Climbing plants

Edera Algeriensis Plant jar 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Ivy Algeriensis: The Hedera Algeriensis plant is an evergreen broad-leaved Creeper, with green leaves widely bordered with white. Foliage very similar to the "Hedera Helix Elegantissima", but much larger in size. Like all varieties of ivy, it is able to anchor itself independently on any surface. It grows quickly, without the need for...
Psidium Guajava Plant Psidium Guajava Plant 2
1447 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Psidium Guajava Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Psidium Guajava: L'albero Psidium, Detto anche albero guajava,è originario dell'America.In natura la guava produce ampi alberi, che nel corso degli anni possono raggiungere anche i 7-10 m di altezza. Questi alberi, anche se esotici, appartengono alla famiglia delle myrtacee, ben conosciute in Italia; sono alberi sempreverdi, con grandi...
copy of Oleandro Plant copy of Oleandro Plant 2
2221 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Oleandro Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Oleandro : Le Piante di Oleandro, provenienti dal mediterraneo, appartengono ad un genere di arbusti sempreverdi, coltivati soprattutto per la fioritura e per il fogliame. I fiori, che variano dal rosa al bianco, dal rosso al giallo, sbocciano dall'inizio della primavera fino all'autunno inoltrato. La Pianta Oleandro produce frutti...
copy of Plant Zamioculcas...
1609 pezzi -
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia Vase 35cm

Generality of the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the only species belonging to the genus Zamioculcas of the Araceae family. It is a bulbous, succulent, evergreen plant native to tropical Africa. It is especially appreciated for the beauty of its fleshy, lanceolate, pinnate leaves, of a very glossy intense green color. jar 35cm,...
Wild Fennel Plant
Out of stock
Aromatic plants

Wild Fennel Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Wild Fennel Plant: Wild fennel is a plant that grows spontaneously, especially in the Mediterranean regions and along the coasts. If you want to harvest fresh wild fennel, you need to do it in the spring, while if you want to harvest its fruits or fennel seeds, the ideal period is late summer / fall. Wild fennel is widely used not only...
Bignonia Capensis Orange... Bignonia Capensis Orange... 2
2277 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bignonia Capensis Orange Plants Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Bignonia Capensis: The Bignonia capensis is an evergreen climbing plant with dark green leaves that offers a wonderful lasting flowering during all summer, from orange to scarlet, very showy and decorative. It needs a structure to climb and it doesn't necessarily require other care except for fixing to the structure and pruning to...
Cotoneaster Queen of...
9276 pezzi -
Garden Plants

Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
copy of Bouganvillea Plant
Climbing plants

copy of Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
copy of Lonicera...
Climbing plants

copy of Lonicera Caprifolium Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Lonicera Caprifolium plant: The best known climbing plant Lonicera is the Honeysuckle, Lonicera Caprifolium, originally from Europe. These are vigorous vines, with fickle stems that cling to whatever support they find, or they develop streaks with deciduous leaves, with fragrant cream-white flowers. The salient feature of these creepers is...
Gelsemium Sempervirens Plant Gelsemium Sempervirens Plant 2
4588 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Gelsemium Sempervirens Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Gelsemium Sempervirens: The Gelsemium or Gelsemium sempervirens is a homeopathic remedy that is obtained from the climbing plant of the same name. Evergreen, with shiny, ovate-lanceolate leaves, 4-5 cm long and joined to the stem in the opposite way with short petioles. The flowers are arranged in bunches of 5-8 at the apex of the...
Rhyncospermum Jasminoides...
5236 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Rhyncospermum Jasminoides Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Rhyncospermum Jasminoides plant: The species Passiflora edulis, unlike other passion flowers, is self-fertile, that is, it can produce even if grown alone. The fruits are exquisite berries, varying in color from purple to yellow, and contain numerous small seeds immersed in a yellow gelatinous mass. It can be grown where the temperature does...
copy of Common Myrtle Plant
998 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Common Myrtle Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Mirto Comune: Le piante di Mirto sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per la bellezza delle foglie,dei fiori e delle bacche,utilizzati anche nell'arte topiaria. Si tratta di una pianta arbustiva, il cui fusto può raggiungere i tre metri di altezza, le foglie sono di forma ovale, di colore verde scuro e delicatamente profumate. I...
copy of Lavender Plant copy of Lavender Plant 2
452 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

copy of Lavender Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Lavender Plant: The lavender plant is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterranean basin. It has silvery leaves, very fragrant, narrow and elongated; in summer it produces many flowers, small and fragrant, grouped in spikes. Most varieties are resistant to cold and are used in the garden, like hedges or to form large bushes....
Privet plant Privet plant 2
1588 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Privet plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
Buddleja Plant
10567 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Buddleja Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Buddleja: Le piante di Buddleja sono arbusti di facile coltivazione, dalla lunga fioritura e sono disponibili in moltissimi colori e dimensioni. Per questo risultano molto diffuse nel nostro paese, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, benché siano originarie dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’America del Sud. Negli ultimi anni sono diventate sempre...
Raspberry Tree
1210 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Raspberry Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The Raspberry tree is a very rustic, vigorous and stocky shrub that can reach 1.50 m in height. The slightly thorny stems are called canes. The flowers gathered in terminal panicles are greenish and self-fertile. The fruits are usually a more or less dark red. Rustic and undemanding, raspberry adapts to any type of soil, with a preference...
copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant 2
996 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant: The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
copy of Plant Zamioculcas...
  • New
498 pezzi -
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia Vase 35cm

Generality of the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the only species belonging to the genus Zamioculcas of the Araceae family. It is a bulbous, succulent, evergreen plant native to tropical Africa. It is especially appreciated for the beauty of its fleshy, lanceolate, pinnate leaves, of a very glossy intense green color. jar 35cm,...
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
578 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
Beloperone Guttata Plant
834 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Beloperone Guttata Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Beloperone Guttata : La pianta Beloperone, si tratta di Arbusti sempreverdi dalle abbondanti fioriture. Nelle zone piu’ riparate fioriscono tutto l’anno. La temperatura minima invernale deve essere compresa tra 7 e 13°C; quindi in inverno va ricoverata in casa, lontano da fonti dirette di calore, come caminetti, stufe o caloriferi. Può...
Blueberry plant Blueberry plant 2
4801 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Blueberry plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Blueberry plant: The Blueberry plant is a vigorous and stocky shrub that reaches 1.50 m in height. The red-tinted white flowers bloom in March. Fruits grow on 2-year-old branches and become rarer in 4-year-olds or more. The flowers gathered in clusters of juicy berries are blue-black and ripen from late June to August. The blueberry...
copy of Bouganvillea Plant copy of Bouganvillea Plant 2
999 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
Polygala Myrtifolia Plant Polygala Myrtifolia Plant 2
Out of stock
Bush Plants

Polygala Myrtifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Polygala Myrtifolia: La Pianta Polygala myrtifolia sviluppa un denso arbusto ben ramificato, sono fusti legnosi, abbastanza flessibili, di colore grigio; le foglie sono di colore verde chiaro e la pianta nelle giuste condizioni di coltivazione ha sviluppo sempreverde; le foglie ricordano quelle del mirto, pur avendo dimensioni maggiori,...
Red currant plant
1267 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Red currant plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Red currant plant: The Currant plant is a deciduous shrub, with a size close to 120-150 cm, it is widespread in Europe, North America and Asia. It constitutes a vigorous stump, from which erect, cylindrical, rigid, scarcely branched stems branch off; the leaves are deep green and have 3-5 lobes, with a toothed margin. In spring it...
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
482 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Red Metrosideros Plant copy of Red Metrosideros Plant 2
498 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Red Metrosideros Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Metrosideros Rosso: La pianta Metrosideros conta circa trenta specie di alberi e arbusti sempreverdi, originari delle isole Hawaii, dell'Australia e della Nuove Zelanda. Hanno portamento eretto, allargato, con chioma molto densa e ramificata; le foglie sono ovali, di colore verde scuro, ricoperte da una spessa peluria grigio-biancastra....
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
500 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
Russelia Plant
1342 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Russelia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Russelia: La Pianta Russelia è un piccolo arbusto sempreverde originario dell'America centrale. Ha fusti sottili, verdi, carnosi, molto ramificati, che crescendo assumono un portamento prostrato, ricoperti da piccole foglioline lanceolate, verde brillante; quando il clima è mite si ricopre di una miriade di piccoli fiorellini tubolari di...
copy of Pianta Ligustro copy of Pianta Ligustro 2
2100 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Ligustro

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ligustro: Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
Asparagus Sprengeri Plant Asparagus Sprengeri Plant 2
1048 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Asparagus Sprengeri Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Sprengeri: La pianta Asparagus Sprengeri è una pianta erbacea o piccolo arbusto con fusto generalmente legnoso, strisciante o volubile. L'apparato radicale è rizomatoso e in orticoltura prende il nome di zampa. Dalla zampa ogni anno spuntano i germogli chiamati turioni, che sono la parte commestibile. La raccolta dei turioni va...
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
2197 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Feijoa Sellowiana...
1304 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Feijoa Sellowiana Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Feijoa Sellowiana: La Feijoa è un arbusto sempreverde di origine brasiliana. Ha portamento ramificato, con crescita abbastanza lenta. Le foglie sono di colore grigio verde , spesse, lucide e cuoiose, di colore argenteo. In primavera inoltrata produce grandi fiori di colore bianco rosato, con lunghi stami rosso corallo; in estate ai fiori...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Sage Plant
999 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

copy of Sage Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sage Plant: Sage is perhaps the most famous aromatic plant known. It can be considered the most important of the kitchen, as it is known and used all over the world for its aroma since ancient times. The species that we are accustomed to use to flavor our dishes is the Sage officinalis or common sage, a perennial species native to the...
copy of Viburnum Tinus plant
476 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Viburnum Tinus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:  The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
copy of Photinia plant
Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Pepino Plant
  • New
4940 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Pepino Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
Garden Plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Dipladenia: La pianta Dipladenia è una rampicante sempreverde dalle splendide fioriture con fiori a forma di imbuto. Le piante di Dipladenia sono molto apprezzate per il loro fogliame caratterizzato da foglie opposte, lisce e di colore verde più o meno intenso e per i fiori di colore bianco, rosa o rosso che sbocciano abbondanti durante...
copy of Viburnum Tinus plant
111599 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Viburnum Tinus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Viburnum Tinus plan:  The Viburnum tinus is a shrubby plant with expanded and soft foliage. It prefers drained and cool soils. Its fruits are ovoid-shaped blue berries. It also produces fruit in abundance, which are not a little ornamental, also because they bloom in winter, thus being noticed more. These are blue or purplish berries,...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
Out of stock
Garden Plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Dipladenia: La pianta Dipladenia è una rampicante sempreverde dalle splendide fioriture con fiori a forma di imbuto. Le piante di Dipladenia sono molto apprezzate per il loro fogliame caratterizzato da foglie opposte, lisce e di colore verde più o meno intenso e per i fiori di colore bianco, rosa o rosso che sbocciano abbondanti durante...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
1517 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
494 pezzi -
Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Cotoneaster Queen...
Garden Plants

copy of Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
451 pezzi -
Garden Plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
copy of Dipladenia Plant
Garden Plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Dipladenia: La pianta Dipladenia è una rampicante sempreverde dalle splendide fioriture con fiori a forma di imbuto. Le piante di Dipladenia sono molto apprezzate per il loro fogliame caratterizzato da foglie opposte, lisce e di colore verde più o meno intenso e per i fiori di colore bianco, rosa o rosso che sbocciano abbondanti durante...
copy of Cotoneaster Queen...
3876 pezzi -
Garden Plants

copy of Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
copy of Plumbago Plant copy of Plumbago Plant 2
Climbing plants

copy of Plumbago Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Plumbago: La pianta Plumbago è un arbusto rampicante originario dell'Africa, alcune specie di plumbago sono originarie dell'Europa meridionale. Ha fusti sottili, semilegnosi, che possono raggiungere lunghezze prossime ai 1,5-2 metri, ma che solitamente vengono mantenuti più compatti con potature autunnali; le foglie sono ovali e di...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
1150 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Passiflora Cerulea...
444 pezzi -
Climbing plants

copy of Passiflora Cerulea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Passiflora Caerulea plant: Passionflower is a herbaceous plant with climbing habit. It grows quickly and can be grown both in pots and in the ground, alongside walls, railings and gates exposed to the sun. Passiflora there are hundreds of species and all popular for the beauty of the flowers or the beneficial properties. Passiflora caerulea...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
497 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
Asparagus setaceus plant Asparagus setaceus plant 2
352 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Asparagus setaceus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Asparagus setaceus plant: Asparagus plants, perennial shrubs with a climbing or drooping shape, are very interesting for their elegant ornamental foliage. It produces small pinkish-white flowers, gathered in inflorescences, followed by red berries. The Asparagus plant is a widely grown species in the apartment, even if it does not...
copy of Edera Hibernica... copy of Edera Hibernica... 2
997 pezzi -
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
Asparagus umbellatus plant
2470 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Asparagus umbellatus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Asparagus umbellatus plant: Asparagus plants, perennial shrubs with a climbing or drooping shape, are very interesting for their elegant ornamental foliage. It produces small pinkish-white flowers, gathered in inflorescences, followed by red berries. The Asparagus plant is a widely grown species in the apartment, even if it does not...
copy of Photinia plant copy of Photinia plant 2
499 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
499 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
487 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
  • New
Climbing plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
copy of Carex Buchananii...
  • New
5000 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
Bromeliad plant Bromeliad plant 2
Piante Da Interno

Bromeliad plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Bromeliad Plant: Bromeliad is a collective name that summarizes the plants belonging to the Bromeliads family. Bromeliad looks like a rosette with fleshy leaves of a light green color. From the leaves extends the flower which usually has a strong and bright color like red and yellow jar 9cm, height 35cm
Clusia rosea plant Princess...
Piante Da Interno

Clusia rosea plant Princess Vase 34cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Clusia rosea Princess plant: the Clusia rosea (or Clusia major) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Clusiaceae family. It is a slow growing plant and is grown primarily for the beauty of its leaves and flowers. ... It has oval and glossy leaves, thick, leathery and dark green in color. jar 34cm, height 140cm AVAILABLE IN 5/7 DAYS
Pianta Dieffenbachia... Pianta Dieffenbachia... 2
1366 pezzi -

Pianta Dieffenbachia Camilla Vaso 9cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Dieffenbachia: La dieffenbachia è una delle piante d’appartamento più conosciute e diffuse. Molti apprezzano infatti la bellezza delle sue foglie (che si possono trovare in un gran numero di sfumature) oltre alla adattabilità alle condizioni che si possono trovare nelle nostre case.Pianta molto diffusa in appartamento, la dieffembachia...
Dracaena plant
494 pezzi -

Dracaena plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dracaena plant: The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asia. jar 24c m, height 90cm
Plant Dracaena fr. Cintho
1610 pezzi -

Plant Dracaena fr. Cintho

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dracaena plant: The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asia. jar 24cm, height 140cm
Plant Dracaena fr. Compacta

Plant Dracaena fr. Compacta

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dracaena planta: The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asi. jar 30cm, height 130cm
Plant Dracaena fr. Comp....

Plant Dracaena fr. Comp. Dorado

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dracaena plant: The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asia. jar 17cm, height 45cm
Plant Dracaena fr. Der....
1500 pezzi -

Plant Dracaena fr. Der. Lemon Lime

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dracaena plant: The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asia. jar 24cm, height 100cm
Trachycarpus fortunei plant...
1111 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Trachycarpus fortunei plant Vase 24cm

Generality of the Trachycarpus fortunei plant: Trachycarpus fortunei also called Fortune palm, Chinese or China palm and also Chusan palm, is a plant belonging to the Arecaceae family (subfamily Coryphoideae), native to Asia and frequently cultivated in Italy as an ornamental plant jar 24cm, height 75cm
Clusia rosea plant Princess...
Piante Da Interno

Clusia rosea plant Princess Vase 34cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Clusia rosea Princess plant: Clusia rosea (or Clusia major) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Clusiaceae family. It is a slow growing plant and is grown primarily for the beauty of its leaves and flowers. ... It has oval and glossy leaves, thick, leathery and dark green in color. jar 34cm, height 140cm avaible IN 5/7 days
Codiaeum Plant Vase 17cm
1584 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Codiaeum Plant Vase 17cm

Generality of the Codiaeum plant: Croton or Codiaeum is an easy-to-grow houseplant highly appreciated for its decorative and varied foliage. Croton is a shrubby plant belonging to the Euphorbiacee family native to India and Malaysia cultivated in our latitudes for ornamental purposes. jar 17cm, height 65cm
Codiaeum Plant Pot 30cm
Piante Da Interno

Codiaeum Plant Pot 30cm

Generality of the Codiaeum plant: Croton or Codiaeum is an easy-to-grow houseplant highly appreciated for its decorative and varied foliage. Croton is a shrubby plant belonging to the Euphorbiacee family native to India and Malaysia cultivated in our latitudes for ornamental purposes. jar 30cm, height 130cm
Bromeliad plant with glass...
Piante Da Interno

Bromeliad plant with glass vase (1 piece)

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Bromeliad Plant: Bromeliad is a collective name that summarizes the plants belonging to the Bromeliads family. Bromeliad looks like a rosette with fleshy leaves of a light green color. From the leaves extends the flower which usually has a strong and bright color like red and yellow. jar 7cm, height 35cm
Alocasia Cucullata Plant... Alocasia Cucullata Plant... 2
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Cucullata Plant Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Cucullata plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for growing indoors or in a heated greenhouse. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. jar 14cm, height 50cm
Cycas plant, Ceramic vase... Cycas plant, Ceramic vase... 2
Piante Da Interno

Cycas plant, Ceramic vase with decoration

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Cycas plant with ceramic pot cover:  The Cycas revoluta plant is the most cultivated species in Italy and they are almost all female individuals, it is native to Indonesia, China and Japan and reflects all the typical characteristics of the genus, i.e. slow growth, intense green fronds that have a bearing folded down. jar 10cm, height...
Dryopteris erythrosora plant
11528 pezzi -

Dryopteris erythrosora plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dryopteris plant: A small fern present in the northern hemisphere, it lives in humid and cool woods: for this reason, marketed as a decorative plant for interiors, it needs to live in cool rooms in both summer and winter, with medium brightness and high humidity. There are numerous varieties; the "Ghost" has foliage with a curious blue...
Dieffenbachia Camilla Plant...

Dieffenbachia Camilla Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dieffenbachia plant: Dieffenbachia is one of the best known and most widespread houseplants. In fact, many appreciate the beauty of its leaves (which can be found in a large number of shades) as well as the adaptability to the conditions that can be found in our homes.A widespread plant in apartments, the dieffembachia exists in about...
Cantilever Tillandsia...
Piante Da Interno

Cantilever Tillandsia Ionantha plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Tillandsia plant: Tillandsia (also known as "daughter of the air") is a plant that belongs to the large family of Bromeliads and has very particular characteristics, which distinguish it well in this broad panorama. jar 8cm
Tillandsia Cyanea plant -...
496 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Tillandsia Cyanea plant - Airplant Spiral

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Tillandsia: Tillandsia (also known as "daughter of the air") is a plant that belongs to the large family of Bromeliads and has very particular characteristics, which distinguish it well in this broad panorama. height 15cm
Tillandsia plant on wooden...
1092 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Tillandsia plant on wooden block

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Tillandsia plant: Tillandsia (also known as "daughter of the air") is a plant that belongs to the large family of Bromeliads and has very particular characteristics, which distinguishes it well in this broad panorama .       jar 7cm, height 15cm
Sanseveria Plant...

Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
Pineapple Plant

Pineapple Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The pineapple or pineapple is a plant native to South America belonging to the Bromeliaceae family cultivated for the production of fruits that are actually inflorescences.In fact, the fruit of the pineapple develops around the top of the stem of the plant, commonly called the core or heart of the fruit.The fruit consists of a thorny skin,...
copy of Aloe Vera... copy of Aloe Vera... 2

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera... copy of Aloe Vera... 2
498 pezzi -

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...
48 pezzi -

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera... copy of Aloe Vera... 2
498 pezzi -

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Alocasia tree
485 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Alocasia tree
27 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Aloe Vera... copy of Aloe Vera... 2

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
1586 pezzi -

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Alocasia tree
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
495 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
480 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1541 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
499 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1139 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
952 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1110 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
498 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
11529 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1469 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
999 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1383 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
Piante Da Interno

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
Pianta Rumohra...
1300 pezzi -

Pianta Rumohra Adiantiformis-Felce Cuoio

Mondo Piante
Generalità: La specie adiantiformis,conosciuta come felce cuoio, deriva dalla sua assomiglianza con un’altra felce,l’Adiantum.Il termine greco adíanton significa “che non si bagna”, in riferimento al fatto che le fronde di felce riparano dall’acqua. La felce cuoio è la più popolare fronda recisa utilizzata per le composizioni floreali. Ha una buona durata...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
591 pezzi -
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
485 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
1478 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
111605 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
500 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
1110 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant copy of Tradescantia Plant 2

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant
500 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant copy of Tradescantia Plant 2
490 pezzi -

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Tradescantia Plant

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1260 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1601 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
480 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1595 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1103 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
488 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
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