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copy of Northern banana...
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490 pezzi -
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€17.10 €18.00
Generalities: Avocado is an exotic fruit that is recently starting to be grown in Italy too, especially in the regions of the far south such as Calabria and Sicily. Its scientific name is Persea americana and it is popularly known as avocado or avocado tree. This plant belongs to the Lauraceae family and has been cultivated for over 7,000 years. The...
copy of Alocasia tree
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492 pezzi -
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copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
€5.70 €6.00
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Plant Zamioculcas...
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490 pezzi -
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Piante Da Colezione

copy of Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia Vase 35cm

€12.35 €13.00
Generality of the Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the only species belonging to the genus Zamioculcas of the Araceae family. It is a bulbous, succulent, evergreen plant native to tropical Africa. It is especially appreciated for the beauty of its fleshy, lanceolate, pinnate leaves, of a very glossy intense green color. jar 35cm,...
copy of Laurel plant
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495 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Laurel plant

Mondo Piante
€12.75 €15.00
Generalities of the Laurel plant: The Laurel plant, also called Laurus nobilis, is an aromatic plant widespread in nature throughout the Mediterranean area. They are evergreen trees, which can reach ten meters in height. The Laurel plant produces a dense and dense vegetation, has a stem with dark bark, very branched, often also in the lower part, to give...
copy of Adenium Obesum Plant
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498 pezzi -
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copy of Adenium Obesum Plant

Mondo Piante
€4.75 €5.00
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
copy of Grevillea...
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Bush Plants

copy of Grevillea Rosmarinifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.70 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Grevillea Rosmarinifolia: La Pianta Grevillea è un arbusto sempreverde originario dell’Australia; il fogliame, è simile a quello del rosmarino, le foglie sono piccole, lineari, aghiformi, appuntite, di colore verde scuro, lucide e cuoiose; l’arbusto ha sviluppo compatto e densamente ramificato, nel complesso ricorda una piccola conifera....
copy of Eucalyptus Trabutii...
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Garden Trees

copy of Eucalyptus Trabutii plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Eucalyptus Trabutii tree: Originally from Tasmania, Eucalyptus is a tree that can reach 25 m, but it can also be grown as a splendid shrub, keeping its size at about two meters with appropriate pruning. As a tree it provides a light shade, suitable for protecting woodland specimens placed at its feet, the shrubby form is pruned annually and...
copy of Chorisia tree
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Garden Trees

copy of Chorisia tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities Chorisia tree: Chorisia speciosa is a tree of the Bombacaceae family (the same to which the baobab belongs) and immediately catches the attention for its trunk full of thorns. The trunk, just like that of the baobab tree, is swollen at the base and is covered with large conical thorns. In its natural habitat, Chorisia speciosa can reach and...
copy of Eucalyptus Trabutii...
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4920 pezzi -
Garden Trees

copy of Eucalyptus Trabutii plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Eucalyptus Trabutii tree: Originally from Tasmania, Eucalyptus is a tree that can reach 25 m, but it can also be grown as a splendid shrub, keeping its size at about two meters with appropriate pruning. As a tree it provides a light shade, suitable for protecting woodland specimens placed at its feet, the shrubby form is pruned annually and...
copy of Chorisia tree
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4954 pezzi -
Garden Trees

copy of Chorisia tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities Chorisia tree: Chorisia speciosa is a tree of the Bombacaceae family (the same to which the baobab belongs) and immediately catches the attention for its trunk full of thorns. The trunk, just like that of the baobab tree, is swollen at the base and is covered with large conical thorns. In its natural habitat, Chorisia speciosa can reach and...
copy of Grevillea...
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4974 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Grevillea Rosmarinifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.70 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Grevillea Rosmarinifolia: La Pianta Grevillea è un arbusto sempreverde originario dell’Australia; il fogliame, è simile a quello del rosmarino, le foglie sono piccole, lineari, aghiformi, appuntite, di colore verde scuro, lucide e cuoiose; l’arbusto ha sviluppo compatto e densamente ramificato, nel complesso ricorda una piccola conifera....
copy of Gynerium Plant
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4969 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Gynerium Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Gynerium : La Pianta Gynerium, è una pianta erbacea sempreverde molto rigogliosa.Si presenta riunita in grossi cespi con fusti alti anche più di due metri e con foglie lineari ricadenti lunghe fino a 1.5 metri. La sua caratteristica principale sono delle grandi infiorescenze a pannocchia. Tali spettacolari pannocchie persistono per lungo...
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