Plant Dracaena fr. Der. Lemon Lime
Generality of the Dracaena plant:
The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asia.
- jar 24cm, height 100cm
Sale Dracaena Plant, available in the following formats:
- jar 24cm, height 100cm
Generality of the Dracaena plant:
The Dracena is one of the most popular houseplants, even if little known. Anyone who owns one considers it a species with a high ornamental yield. We are talking about the dracena or dracaena, a medium-sized shrub that grows in hot-humid climates. Due to this characteristic, the plant lends itself to being grown in domestic environments, indoors and in pots. Of course, the plant should be placed in well-lit areas, so not in the dark or in the shade and away from drafts. There are many varieties of green leaf dracene or with different variegations, white red or green that always make the plant elegant and refined. Generally the market offers specimens with more plants (2 or 3) in the same pot at various heights in order to create harmony in the composition of the plant.
Cultivation and Care of the Dracaena Plant:
These plants have the advantage of getting used to and adapting to even the most extreme conditions, and are therefore suitable for placing in the corner between sofas, on stairs, in shops or offices. Even if they survive in unfavorable conditions, this does not mean that they are always happy; in fact, if the climate and the light are not suitable, first of all they do not bloom, moreover they tend to have ruined foliage, they get sick easily, or lose color. Since the most decorative element of these plants are the leaves, it is perhaps good to learn how to cultivate them in the best possible way, in order to make the most of their characteristics.Although they can bear to live in a dark corner of the house, dracaena do not disdain good lighting, not direct, but diffused, like the one that is it can have near a window, or in a bright stairwell; if we have the possibility, remember to move them outdoors in the summer, in a semi-shady place, but very bright.
They fear the cold, and should be grown in areas with minimum temperatures not below 10-12 ° C, however we avoid growing them in a torrid place, especially if very dry.The dracaena survives even long periods of drought, recovering quickly when it comes to it. again given water; to get tufts of lush leaves, however, it is good to water regularly, especially when the weather is hot, or when we have an active heating system; in addition to watering the soil in the pot, as soon as it is well dried, remember to supply water also by vaporizing the foliage: the foliage of the dracaenas grown in a dry climate tends to dry out at the tip, losing part of its beauty. Every 12-15 days we add a little fertilizer for green plants to the irrigation water.