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List of products by brand Mondo Piante

Studio Design offers a range of items from ready-to-wear collections to contemporary objects. The brand has been presenting new ideas and trends since its creation in 2012.

'Bella di Spagna' Olive Tree
4252 pezzi -
Olive Plants

'Bella di Spagna' Olive Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Olivo Bella di Spagna is a widespread variety especially in some olive growing areas of Puglia; it is sporadically grown in central Italy. The plants of "Bella di Spagna" are quite vigorous with thick foliage and pendulous fruiting branches, even more under the weight of the fruits (on average from 10 to 12 grams). Vase: 22cm,...
'Cima di Bitonto' Olive Tree
1401 pezzi -
Olive Plants

'Cima di Bitonto' Olive Tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the 'Cima di Bitonto' Olive Tree: The 'Cima di Bitonto' Olive Tree variety is grown in the Bitonto countryside and in the central and southwestern areas of the province of Bari. It is the most widespread in the Bari basin and the most renowned in the world. The Cima di Bitonto variety is also identified with names other than Bitonto. It is...
'Coratina' Olive Tree
Olive Plants

'Coratina' Olive Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Coratina Olive, originally from the city of Corato, is an olive cultivar typical of Puglia and cultivated throughout the northern Bari area. Medium-sized tree adapts to various soils (also calcareous and stony), also by virtue of a good rhizogenic capacity; however the optimal cultivation environment is fertile and irrigated hills. It...
'Dionaea Muscipula'... 'Dionaea Muscipula'... 2
Carnivorous plants

'Dionaea Muscipula' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dionaea Muscipula Plant: The carnivorous plant Dionea is one of the most appreciated of the genus and also among the most widespread in Italy: also called "acchiappamosche", this plant feeds on insects: the flies are attracted by the color and smell that give off the leaves but as soon as they arrive inside the leaves close like a...
'Drosera Capensis'... 'Drosera Capensis'... 2
449 pezzi -
Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
'Drosera Capensis'...
1034 pezzi -
Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
'Drosera Capensis'...
Out of stock
Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
'Frantoio' Olive tree
4230 pezzi -
Olive Plants

'Frantoio' Olive tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The 'Frantoio' Olive tree , coming from Tuscany, is one of the most uniformly spread olive trees on the national territory, but being now very popular and well-known, it is also grown abroad. Medium-sized and vigorous tree with enlarged and moderately dense foliage. The main branches are gnarled, while the long and thin fruiting branches...
'Heliamphora' Carnivorous...
Out of stock
Carnivorous plants

'Heliamphora' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Heliamphora Plant: Heliamphora is a genus of protocarnivora plant belonging to the Sarraceniaceae family. The leaves, completely filled with water, are used by the plant to attract, trap and kill the insects from which it obtains the nutrients necessary for its development. The preys are digested thanks to the presence inside the traps...
'Leucocarpa' Olive tree 'Leucocarpa' Olive tree 2
Olive Plants

'Leucocarpa' Olive tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the 'Leucocarpa' Olive tree: The Leucocarpa variety produces a very light oil, with constant productivity. It is not used in human nutrition, but is traditionally mixed with the extracts of roots and balm to obtain the Chrism oil. The ointment used by the Catholic Church in many ceremonies as baptism and confirmation. Also in other churches...
'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant
Carnivorous plants

'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
'Nociara' Olive tree
1398 pezzi -
Olive Plants

'Nociara' Olive tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Oliva nociara is an oil variety that has found a certain diffusion in the Apulian olive-growing areas of the province of Brindisi, Taranto and the south of Bari, but its diffusion, currently modest, is expanding. The olives of a very pale green , during the veraison, they initially take on a magenta red color, making the plants...
'Ogliarola Barese' olive tree 'Ogliarola Barese' olive tree 2
Olive Plants

'Ogliarola Barese' olive tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Ogliarola Barese olive tree: Ogliarola Barese, a typical Apulian cultivar, is also known as 'Paesana'. It is a widespread species in the central area of the province of Bari and is mainly collected by hand. From this particular variety of olives, highly appreciated since ancient times, a delicate and fine extra virgin olive oil is...
'Pasola' olive tree
1369 pezzi -
Olive Plants

'Pasola' olive tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Pasola is a variety of olive trees with high productivity, has medium-large fruit, used both as a table fruit and for the production of oil. Medium-sized plant with lanceolate leaves. Abortion of the ovary about 20%. The fruit, of medium-large size, takes on a blackish color when ripe. The variety is self-sterile, productive and not very...
'Pinguicula' Carnivorous Plant
Carnivorous plants

'Pinguicula' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Pinguicula Plant: Pinguicula is a genus of carnivorous plants belonging to the Lentibulariaceae family. Plants of this kind use sticky and glandular leaves to attract, capture, kill and digest insects to compensate for the lack of mineral nutrients present in their habitat. On-line Sale of the Pinguicula plant, available in the following...
'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plant 'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plant 2
373 pezzi -
Carnivorous plants

'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sarracenia Plant: Sarracenia is a carnivorous plant easy to grow in pot, in the ground in the garden and especially along the edges of an artificial lake. The leaves of Sarracenia, like those of the Nepenthes, arranged in basal rosettes form tubular organs, called ascidi, with upper end partially covered by an operculum. On-line Sale of...
10 Fruit trees of one year...
10203 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

10 Fruit trees of one year (Mix your choice)

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Fruit trees : Fruit trees are one of the most challenging categories of plants to grow. They require special care and attention and are therefore very stimulating both from a technical and preparation point of view. The offer includes the choice of 5 1 year old fruit trees among those available in the 'Fruit trees' category. It is...
10 Fruit trees of one year...
489 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

10 Fruit trees of one year (Mix your choice)

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Fruit trees are one of the most challenging categories of plants to grow. They require special care and attention and are therefore very stimulating both from a technical and preparation point of view. The offer includes the choice of 5 1 year old fruit trees among those available in the 'Fruit trees' category. It is possible to indicate...
10 Wonderful Pomegranate...
1108 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

10 Wonderful Pomegranate Plants Vase 18cm, H.120cm

Mondo Piante
Generality: The Wonderful Pomegranate is the best known variety on the market, with an intense ruby red color and semi-hard seeds. Sweet and very tasty both to be consumed fresh and to obtain a juice, the Wonderful pomegranate is "late": it is available from the end of October until the end of March. This strain has a lifespan of 1-2 months, making it the...
2x 'Nepenthes' Carnivorous...
Carnivorous plants

2x 'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plants with colored vases

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
2x Carnivorous Plants...
Carnivorous plants

2x Carnivorous Plants Pinguicula with colored vases

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Pinguicula Plant: Pinguicula is a genus of carnivorous plants belonging to the Lentibulariaceae family. Plants of this kind use sticky and glandular leaves to attract, capture, kill and digest insects to compensate for the lack of mineral nutrients present in their habitat. On-line Sale of the Pinguicula plant, available in the following...
3x  'Sarracenia'...
Carnivorous plants

3x 'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plants with colored vases

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Sarracenia Plant: Sarracenia is a carnivorous plant easy to grow in pot, in the ground in the garden and especially along the edges of an artificial lake. The leaves of Sarracenia, like those of the Nepenthes, arranged in basal rosettes form tubular organs, called ascidi, with upper end partially covered by an operculum. On-line Sale of...
5 Fruit trees of one year... 5 Fruit trees of one year... 2
2326 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

5 Fruit trees of one year (Mix your choice)

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Fruit trees are one of the most challenging categories of plants to grow. They require special care and attention and are therefore very stimulating both from a technical and preparation point of view. The offer includes the choice of 5 1 year old fruit trees among those available in the 'Fruit trees' category. It is possible to indicate...
Abelia Confetti Plant Abelia Confetti Plant 2
2184 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
Abelia Grandiflora Plant Abelia Grandiflora Plant 2
9075 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Abelia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Grandiflora : La Pianta Abelia grandiflora,ha portamento tondeggiante e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali, di piccole dimensioni, di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in autunno tutta la pianta assume questo gradevole colore. In...
Abutilon Plant Abutilon Plant 2
888 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Abutilon Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abutilon: La pianta Abutilon è una pianta sempreverde sia erbacea che arbustiva che può raggiungere dimensioni notevoli: un metro e mezzo di altezza se allevate in vaso ma anche 5 m se coltivate in piena terra. Le foglie sono di forma ovale ellittica o cuoriforme a seconda della specie. I fiori, solitari o riuniti in infiorescenze, sono...
Acacia tree
781 pezzi -
Garden Trees

Acacia tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly called acacia or black locust, is a plant of the Fabaceae family (legumes), native to North America and naturalized in Europe and widespread in Italy. Very reproductive coppices are found in Lombardy, Veneto and Tuscany. Acacia is known as a very useful medicinal plant in the field of natural remedies and...
Adenium Obesum Plant

Adenium Obesum Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
Aeonium Haworthii Succulent... Aeonium Haworthii Succulent... 2
Succulent plants

Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
African Myrsine plant African Myrsine plant 2
11404 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

African Myrsine plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Myrsine plant: The Myrsine africana is a dioecious shrub (each individual bears either only male or female flowers), evergreen, very ramified and compact, up to about 1.5 m tall, with thin ascending branches, greyish, tomentose in the apical part, marked by scars of fallen leaves. The name of the genus comes from the Greek term...
Agapanthus Africano Plant Agapanthus Africano Plant 2
958 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant 2
Bush Plants

Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Peter Pan : Le piante di Agapanthus Peter Pan, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa,  molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco. Ripetto al classico Agapanthus qesta...
Aglaomorpha coronans plant...
Piante Da Interno

Aglaomorpha coronans plant Vase 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Aglaomorpha coronans plant: The Aglaomorpha coronans plant is a splendid medium to large fern with short to medium branched rhizomes. It creates beautiful baskets and hanging pots with leaves that can reach up to one meter in length. -disbonible IN 5/7 days jar 12cm, height 20/25cm
Aglaonema Plant Vase 40cm
Piante Da Interno

Aglaonema Plant Vase 40cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Aglaonema plant: Aglaonema plants are very popular in our homes, characterized by very decorative green leaves streaked with white. It produces inflorescences similar to the calla flower. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 40cm, height 70/80cm
Aglaonema Silver plant
Piante Da Interno

Aglaonema Silver plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Aglaonema Silver plant: Aglaonema Silver plants are very popular in our homes, characterized by very decorative green leaves streaked with white. It produces inflorescences similar to the calla flower. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 24cm, height 50/60cm
Agnocasto Plant Agnocasto Plant 2
Bush Plants

Agnocasto Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agnocasto: L’agnocasto, detto anche Vitex è una pianta arbustiva che appartiene alla famiglia delle Verbenacee; essa può raggiungere un altezza massima di 3-4 metri ma spesso si preferisce potarla annualmente per tenerla compatta e non farle perdere le foglie nella parte bassa del tronco. Il fusto è ben ramificato con molte foglie rugose...
Ajuga Repens Plant Ajuga Repens Plant 2
1700 pezzi -
Garden Plants

Ajuga Repens Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ajuga Repens : La pianta Ajuga o chiamata anche bugola, è una pianta sempreverde tappezzante, originaria dell'Europa e dell'Asia occidentale. Produce stoloni robusti che permettono alla pianta di colonizzare rapidamente ampi spazi di terreno, allargandosi sottoterra; ha fusti di colore verde scuro; le foglie sono ovali, a cucchiaio, di...
Alchechengi Seeds Alchechengi Seeds 2
2005 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Alchechengi Seeds

Mondo Piante
Almond Tree Filippo Ceo Almond Tree Filippo Ceo 2
2039 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Almond Tree Filippo Ceo

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The Filippo Ceo almond is among the best in Europe. It is the Toritto almond, a precious fruit that is harvested between August, September and mid-October. In haute patisserie he is the exclusive protagonist, especially used to make real pasta and important confectionery settings. jar 16cm, height 120/160cm jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Alocasia Cucullata plant
89 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Cucullata plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Cucullata plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 14cm, height 50cm
Alocasia Cucullata Plant... Alocasia Cucullata Plant... 2
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Cucullata Plant Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Cucullata plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for growing indoors or in a heated greenhouse. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. jar 14cm, height 50cm
Alocasia Lauterbachiana plant
2469 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Lauterbachiana plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Lauterbachiana plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called Elephant Ears. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 17cm, height 60/70cm
Alocasia Portadora plant Alocasia Portadora plant 2
465 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia Portadora plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Portadora plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 17cm, height 60/70cm
Alocasia tree
Piante Da Interno

Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
Aloe Ferox Succulent Plant Aloe Ferox Succulent Plant 2
Succulent plants

Aloe Ferox Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality Of The Succulent Plant 'Aloe Ferox': The Succulent Plant Aloe Ferox is a Wild Aloe, less known than the best known aloe vera. Aloe ferox has a very similar appearance to that of aloe vera, but its thorns are more pointed at the ends, moreover it has thicker and fleshy leaves with red-brown spines on the edges. Its gel is rich in vitamins and...
Alyogyne Delighfully Plant Alyogyne Delighfully Plant 2
1287 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Alyogyne Delighfully Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Alyogyne Delighfully : Le piante di Alyogyne sono arbusti sempreverdi originari dell'Australia con fiori simili a quelli dell'Ibisco. Questa pianta cresce ricoprendo tutto il terreno che ha a disposizione. La pianta Alyogine ha lo sviluppo di un arbusto. E' di taglia media e può raggiungere i 2,5 m di altezza. In primavera assume una...
Amaranto Seeds Amaranto Seeds 2
1282 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Amaranto Seeds

Mondo Piante
Anise Seeds Anise Seeds 2
10077 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Anise Seeds

Mondo Piante
Anisodontea Lilla Plant
1910 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Anisodontea Lilla Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Anisodontea : La pianta anisodontea, è un arbusto africano sempreverde dalle abbondanti fioriture; nel corso degli anni possono raggiungere i 90-120 cm di altezza. Produce piccoli fiori piatti, simili ai fiori del pesco, nei toni del rosa e del bianco. I fiori sbocciano lungo i fusti, per mantenere la pianta ben compatta e favorire lo...
Annurca Apple Tree Annurca Apple Tree 2
11913 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Annurca Apple Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The annurca apple is an apple with reduced dimensions, but very pulpy and rich in juice. Annurca apple has various beneficial properties for our body. Annurca apple is rich in fiber to the point of facilitating our intestinal and diuretic functions, which is why it is often recommended for the elderly and children. Medium-small in size,...
Annurca Apple Tree
1062 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Annurca Apple Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The annurca apple is an apple with reduced dimensions, but very pulpy and rich in juice. Annurca apple has various beneficial properties for our body. Annurca apple is rich in fiber to the point of facilitating our intestinal and diuretic functions, which is why it is often recommended for the elderly and children. Medium-small in size,...
Apple Tree Renetta Apple Tree Renetta 2
10252 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Apple Tree Renetta

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The Renetta apple, is a fleshy apple par excellence, is a not too large fruit, with a singular rough skin to the touch, and a light green color dotted with rust, which, however, when maturing becomes more yellow.The collection of the Renette takes place in September, for then remain in the pantry to mature until late spring; cultivated in...
Aquilegia Seeds Aquilegia Seeds 2
Seeds and Bulbs

Aquilegia Seeds

Mondo Piante
Arctotis Plant Arctotis Plant 2
1906 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Arctotis Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Arctotis  : Le piante di Arctotis, sono erbacea perenni dalla forma rampicante o tappezzante, è originaria dell’Africa meridionale. Dalla primavera avanzata fino ai primi freddi intensi producono grandi fiori a margherita. Di facile coltivazione, spesso tendono ad avere vita breve, ed a non sopravvivere per più di 2-3 anni, anche se si...
Aristolochia Gigantea Plant Aristolochia Gigantea Plant 2
972 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Aristolochia Gigantea Plant

Mondo Piante
General Aristolochia plant: Then Aristolochia gigantea plant is native to Brazil, Colombia and Panama. It is an evergreen climbing plant, with lignified stems that reach 10 m in height. The leaves are arranged alternately, obovate in shape with pointed apex and the color is light green. The flowers are very large, solitary, without petals, with the calyx...
Armeria Plant Armeria Plant 2
4592 pezzi -
Garden Plants

Armeria Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Armeria: L'armeria marittima è una pianta erbacea perenne originaria dell'Europa. Forma densi cuscini di foglie lineari, rigide. Per tutta la primavera, fino ad estate inoltrata produce numerosi ombrellini di fiorellini tubolari, rosa o bianchi, che sbocciano all'apice di lunghi steli grigiastri, rigidi e carnosi. Questa pianta viene...
Artichoke Seeds Artichoke Seeds 2
2194 pezzi -
Vegetable Seeds

Artichoke Seeds

Mondo Piante
Ascolana Tender Olive Tree
4161 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Ascolana Tender Olive Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Ascolana Tenera Olive is a very popular variety for its particularly large olives (8-10 grams), light green when harvested and rich in very tender and very tasty pulp.It is pollinated by the Pendolino varieties, and by other olive varieties such as Leccino or Moraiolo. jar 22cm,height 150/170cm
Asparagus Foxtail Plant Asparagus Foxtail Plant 2
11891 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Asparagus Foxtail Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
Asparagus Legs Asparagus Legs 2
Vegetable Seeds

Asparagus Legs

Mondo Piante
Asparagus Seeds Asparagus Seeds 2
1451 pezzi -
Vegetable Seeds

Asparagus Seeds

Mondo Piante
Asparagus setaceus plant Asparagus setaceus plant 2
352 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Asparagus setaceus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Asparagus setaceus plant: Asparagus plants, perennial shrubs with a climbing or drooping shape, are very interesting for their elegant ornamental foliage. It produces small pinkish-white flowers, gathered in inflorescences, followed by red berries. The Asparagus plant is a widely grown species in the apartment, even if it does not...
Asparagus Sprengeri Plant Asparagus Sprengeri Plant 2
1048 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Asparagus Sprengeri Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Sprengeri: La pianta Asparagus Sprengeri è una pianta erbacea o piccolo arbusto con fusto generalmente legnoso, strisciante o volubile. L'apparato radicale è rizomatoso e in orticoltura prende il nome di zampa. Dalla zampa ogni anno spuntano i germogli chiamati turioni, che sono la parte commestibile. La raccolta dei turioni va...
Asparagus umbellatus plant
2470 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Asparagus umbellatus plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Asparagus umbellatus plant: Asparagus plants, perennial shrubs with a climbing or drooping shape, are very interesting for their elegant ornamental foliage. It produces small pinkish-white flowers, gathered in inflorescences, followed by red berries. The Asparagus plant is a widely grown species in the apartment, even if it does not...
Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm 2
1380 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Avocado tree Avocado tree 2

Avocado tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Avocado tree: Avocado is an exotic fruit that is recently starting to be grown in Italy too, especially in the regions of the far south such as Calabria and Sicily. Its scientific name is Persea americana and it is popularly known as avocado or avocado tree. This plant belongs to the Lauraceae family and has been cultivated for over...
Azzeruolo Tree Azzeruolo Tree 2
11595 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Azzeruolo Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Tree of Azzeruolo is a usually bushy plant and can even reach 6-8 meters in height. It has a dark colored trunk with a furrowed bark, depending on the variety there may be some distinctions in appearance. The young branches are tomentose, the varieties of red azzeruolo often have gnarled branches. The leaves can be small or medium to...
Baby Alocasia plant Baby Alocasia plant 2
1117 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

Baby Alocasia plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Baby Alocasia Plant:: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears.. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 12cm, height 20/25cm
Banano Seeds Banano Seeds 2
1584 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Banano Seeds

Mondo Piante
Baresana grape tree
10228 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Baresana grape tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Baresana grapes are also called Uva Turca, Uva di Bisceglie, Lattuario bianco and Imperatore, are just some of the names with which in different parts of Italy they call Baresana. Ripe from the end of August, it has a medium sized cluster, pyramidal in shape, winged and not always compact. The large berry of light golden color contains a...
Basil Lemon Seeds Basil Lemon Seeds 2
985 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Basil Lemon Seeds

Mondo Piante
Bauhinia plant
1 pezzi -
Garden Trees

Bauhinia plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities : Bauhinia are very decorative plants not only for their flowers but also for their characteristic leaves. They are plants also known with the name of orchid tree because in some species the flowers resemble orchids and because they can become real trees reaching even ten meters in height and beyond. In fact, these are mostly trees and shrubs...
Bauhinia Plant Vase  7cm
Bush Plants

Bauhinia Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Bauhinia Variegata: Le piante di Bauhinia sono conosciute anche con il nome di 'albero orchidea' in quanto,in alcune specie, i fiori ricordano le orchidee. Si tratta infatti per lo più di alberi ed arbusti con rami più o meno spinosi caratterizzati da un legno duro. Le foglie sono composte, formate da due foglioline saldate dal picciolo...
Bella di Imola Apricot tree Bella di Imola Apricot tree 2
10078 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Bella di Imola Apricot tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The Apricot Bella di Imola is a medium-early or intermediate ripening plant of Italian origin and identified in the Imola several years ago which requires constant thinning. It has a medium-high vigor tree, upright growth, high and constant productivity and bears fruit on bunches of May and one-year branches. the fruit is medium-large,...
Beloperone Guttata Plant
834 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Beloperone Guttata Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Beloperone Guttata : La pianta Beloperone, si tratta di Arbusti sempreverdi dalle abbondanti fioriture. Nelle zone piu’ riparate fioriscono tutto l’anno. La temperatura minima invernale deve essere compresa tra 7 e 13°C; quindi in inverno va ricoverata in casa, lontano da fonti dirette di calore, come caminetti, stufe o caloriferi. Può...
Berberis Thunbergii plant Berberis Thunbergii plant 2
Hedge Plants

Berberis Thunbergii plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Berberis plant: The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...
Bergamot tree
Citrus Plants

Bergamot tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Bergamot tree:Bergamot is a citrus fruit with a yellow peel derived from lemon or bitter orange. In appearance, the bergamot fruit resembles grapefruit, but is a little smaller and has a more intense color. Even today the cultivation of bergamot takes place in Calabria especially in the coastal strip. Bergamot is a seasonal fruit, it is...
Bergenia Cordifolia Plant Bergenia Cordifolia Plant 2
763 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Bergenia Cordifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Bergenia Cordifolia: La pianta Bergenia Cordifolia è una piccola pianta sempreverde originaria dell'Asia centrale e meridionale, spesso utilizzata come tappezzante. E' caratterizzata da folti ciuffi di grandi foglie tondeggianti o cuoriformi di colore verde scuro, che diventano rossastre in autunno. Dal centro dei ciuffi alla fine...
Bigarreau Cherry Tree Bigarreau Cherry Tree 2
10137 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Bigarreau Cherry Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities : Bigarreau Burlat cherry produces bright red pulp cherries. It reaches maturity in late May, early June. jar 16cm, height 120/160cm jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Bignonia Capensis Orange... Bignonia Capensis Orange... 2
2277 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bignonia Capensis Orange Plants Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Bignonia Capensis: The Bignonia capensis is an evergreen climbing plant with dark green leaves that offers a wonderful lasting flowering during all summer, from orange to scarlet, very showy and decorative. It needs a structure to climb and it doesn't necessarily require other care except for fixing to the structure and pruning to...
Bignonia Contessa Sara... Bignonia Contessa Sara... 2
2055 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bignonia Contessa Sara Lillac Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Bignonia Countess Sara Lilla: Bignonia Contessa Sara is a vigorous climber, evergreen in the countries of origin. It has a beautiful dark green foliage that contrasts predominantly with the pink of its flowers during flowering. It comes from the Cape province, in extreme South Africa. Its subspecies Podranea brycei, which lives a little...
Bignonia Grandiflora Plant Bignonia Grandiflora Plant 2
2036 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bignonia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Bignonia Grandiflora: It is a deciduous creeper that comes from the territories of China and Japan. The Bignonia grandiflora (Campis grandiflora) belongs to the Bignoniacee family. It is a plant with great decorative value, especially thanks to the flowers with the characteristic shape of a big trumpet. These flowers usually have an...
Bignonia Ricasoliana Plant,... Bignonia Ricasoliana Plant,... 2
1804 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bignonia Ricasoliana Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalities Plant Bignonia Ricasoliana: The Bignonia Ricasoliana is a climbing plant grown for ornamental purposes in pots on the terrace of the house, in the garden close to walls, near gazebos or pergolas. It is an evergreen climbing plant of the Bignoniaceae family native to South Africa, widespread in all areas characterized by a Mediterranean...
Blackberry tree Blackberry tree 2
27856 pezzi -
Fruit Trees

Blackberry tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Blackberry tree, perennial, sarmentose, semi-evergreen shrub is native to central-southern Europe. Each year it produces many suckers, which can develop even for a few meters in one season. In late summer it produces small green fruits, which turn black when ripe, edible. Blackberries are very popular raw fruits, or used for the...
Blueberry plant Blueberry plant 2
4801 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Blueberry plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Blueberry plant: The Blueberry plant is a vigorous and stocky shrub that reaches 1.50 m in height. The red-tinted white flowers bloom in March. Fruits grow on 2-year-old branches and become rarer in 4-year-olds or more. The flowers gathered in clusters of juicy berries are blue-black and ripen from late June to August. The blueberry...
Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
Bonsai Ficus Ginseng with... Bonsai Ficus Ginseng with... 2

Bonsai Ficus Ginseng with Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
Borage Seeds Borage Seeds 2
2200 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Borage Seeds

Mondo Piante
Bouganvillea Plant Bouganvillea Plant 2
4916 pezzi -
Climbing plants

Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
Brachychiton plant
877 pezzi -
Garden Trees

Brachychiton plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Brachychiton Acerifolius is a large tree with an upright habit, which widens with age, with semi-persistent foliage, with large glossy green leaves above, from 10 to 20 cm., With 3 or 5 lobes. Sometimes we also find simple leaves, all on the same tree. It reaches a height ranging from 8 to 12 m., While the diameter from 5 to 7 m. and more in...
Bromeliad plant Bromeliad plant 2
Piante Da Interno

Bromeliad plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Bromeliad Plant: Bromeliad is a collective name that summarizes the plants belonging to the Bromeliads family. Bromeliad looks like a rosette with fleshy leaves of a light green color. From the leaves extends the flower which usually has a strong and bright color like red and yellow jar 9cm, height 35cm
Bromeliad plant with glass...
Piante Da Interno

Bromeliad plant with glass vase (1 piece)

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Bromeliad Plant: Bromeliad is a collective name that summarizes the plants belonging to the Bromeliads family. Bromeliad looks like a rosette with fleshy leaves of a light green color. From the leaves extends the flower which usually has a strong and bright color like red and yellow. jar 7cm, height 35cm
Buddleja Plant
10567 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Buddleja Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Buddleja: Le piante di Buddleja sono arbusti di facile coltivazione, dalla lunga fioritura e sono disponibili in moltissimi colori e dimensioni. Per questo risultano molto diffuse nel nostro paese, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, benché siano originarie dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’America del Sud. Negli ultimi anni sono diventate sempre...
Buxus ball plant Vase 23cm
1493 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Buxus ball plant Vase 23cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buy from the comfort of your home Plants of Buxus Sempervirens, Hedge Plant with geometric shapes: ball, cone, pyramid or spiral. Welcome Discount 10%. Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and...
Buxus Faulkner Plant jar 7cm Buxus Faulkner Plant jar 7cm 2
9941 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Buxus Faulkner Plant jar 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Faulkner plant: Boxwood is an indispensable and almost irreplaceable rustic plant for creating small hedges and borders. It is an evergreen shrub with glossy green foliage, with a very compact habit, used for the construction of borders and low hedges. It grows well in any terrain and in any light conditions. Very resistant to...
Buxus Pyramid Plant Vase 19cm
111604 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Buxus Pyramid Plant Vase 19cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... 2
925 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Buxus Rotundifolia Plant Pot 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Rotundifolia plant: The Buxus Rotundifolia plant is a shrub or small evergreen tree, native to Europe, Japan and the slow-growing, very long-lived Himalayan plateau; it is widely used as a single plant or as a hedge plant, the dwarf varieties are very popular, as they form very decorative rounded cushions. It has dark and wrinkled...
Buxus Sempervirens plant Buxus Sempervirens plant 2
895 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Buxus Sempervirens plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities of the Buxus Sempervirens plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of varying height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged...
Buxus Special 3 plant
1391 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Buxus Special 3 plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Buxus Special Plant 1 Buxus Special Plant 1 2
Bush Plants

Buxus Special Plant 1

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Buxus Special Plant 2
Bush Plants

Buxus Special Plant 2

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Cactaceae Seeds Cactaceae Seeds 2
1971 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Cactaceae Seeds

Mondo Piante
California Blue Plum Tree California Blue Plum Tree 2
10243 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

California Blue Plum Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities Blue California Plum Tree : The California Blue Plum is a very early ripening plant with a medium vigor tree, intermediate growth habit, late entry into production and poor and inconsistent productivity. Flowering occurs in the first decade of April in the Cesena area and is self-compatible. The fruit has medium size, slightly ellipsoidal,...
Callistemon Plant Callistemon Plant 2
1201 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Callistemon Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Callistemon: La pianta Callistemon, è una specie molto conosciuta per i suoi bellissimi fiori. Sono piante sempreverdi, molto coltivati per adornare giardini e prati. Ha crescita lenta e in genere si mantengono di dimensioni vicine ai 150-200 cm di altezza.I fusti sono rigidi, di colore bruno; le foglie sono di colore verde scuro. A...
Campanula Seeds Campanula Seeds 2
2322 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Campanula Seeds

Mondo Piante
Camphora Plant
1095 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Camphora Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Camphora: La pianta Camphora, è un albero sempreverde che raggiunge i 35 metri di altezza, originario dell'Asia. Ha fusto eretto e possente, con chioma tondeggiante ed allungata, densa, ben ramificata; la corteccia è grigio-marrone, solcata da profonde fessure. Le grandi foglie ovali,sono di colore verde scuro; in primavera produce...
Canary Palm Seeds Canary Palm Seeds 2
2260 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Canary Palm Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cantilever Tillandsia...
Piante Da Interno

Cantilever Tillandsia Ionantha plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Tillandsia plant: Tillandsia (also known as "daughter of the air") is a plant that belongs to the large family of Bromeliads and has very particular characteristics, which distinguish it well in this broad panorama. jar 8cm
Caper Plant Caper Plant 2
1172 pezzi -
Garden Plants

Caper Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Caper Plant: The caper plant is a perennial plant with a climbing or sagging habit, they also grow in the walls. The buds of these plants are the famous capers used in gastronomy. It can reach one meter in height, the leaves are dark green; the flowers are large, white or pink, very showy, they bloom in summer. Caper plants need very...
Caper Seeds Caper Seeds 2
9639 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Caper Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cardinal Grape Tree
1545 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Cardinal Grape Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Cardinal grape represents a qualitatively superior grape, and is considered among the best red table grapes. In fact, it has a sweet taste, very attractive even if it is not particularly fragrant as a grape. However, it has a pulp that manages to provide the palate with pleasant thirst-quenching and at the same time nourishing sensations,...
Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... 2
1102 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
Carissa Grandiflora Plant Carissa Grandiflora Plant 2
11256 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Carissa Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Carissa Grandiflora: La pianta Carissa è un arbsto sempreverde sudafricano, con foglie lucenti,fiori profumati e frutti commestibili,ma i semi sono tossici. Nelle zone più calde è utilizzata per formare siepi.La specie in natura raggiunge i 4-5 metri di altezza, le varietà coltivate in Europa sono di dimensioni più modeste, e si...
Carissa Jasminoides Plant...
1413 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Carissa Jasminoides Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Carissa Jasminoides: La pianta Carissa Jasminoides un arbusto originario dell'Africa tropicale e subtropicale: sempreverde, molto ramificato, che raggiunge, ma lentamente, i 2-3 metri di altezza e diametro (nel tempo anche di più), a portamento perlopiù tondeggiante e pieno.Il fogliame è folto, coriaceo, ovale e appuntito, di un verde...
Carissa Macrocarpa Plant... Carissa Macrocarpa Plant... 2
9744 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Carissa Macrocarpa Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Carissa Macrocarpa: La Carissa macrocarpa, originaria dalle aride selve dell’Africa meridionale, è una pianta sempreverde di medie dimensioni e dall’aspetto arbustivo tondeggiante molto denso e ramificato. Allo stato spontaneo, nella sua terra d’origine, crescendo lentamente, può raggiungere anche i 5 metri di altezza. In Europa e in...
Carob plant Carob plant 2
843 pezzi -
Garden Trees

Carob plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities Carob tree: The carob is a fruit tree belonging to the Caesalpiniaceae family and to the Ceratonia genus. It is mainly dioecious (that is, there are plants with only male flowers and trees with only female flowers, rarely having flowers of both sexes on the same plant). It is also called carrubbio. Due to its characteristics it is possible to...
Carrot Seeds Carrot Seeds 2
2438 pezzi -
Vegetable Seeds

Carrot Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cassia Corymbosa Plant Vase... Cassia Corymbosa Plant Vase... 2
1105 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Cassia Corymbosa Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cassia Corymbosa: La pianta Cassia, è molto apprezzata per la bella e lunga fioritura gialla.Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e dal portamento elegante, alto e largo fino a 2,5 metri.La pianta di Cassia ha una virtù molto particolare, comincia a fiorire verso la fine dell’estate e continua a illuminare il giardino fino alle soglie...
Castor Seeds Castor Seeds 2
4071 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Castor Seeds

Mondo Piante
Catnip Seeds Catnip Seeds 2
2014 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Catnip Seeds

Mondo Piante
Ceanothus Repens Plant Ceanothus Repens Plant 2
9802 pezzi -
Garden Plants

Ceanothus Repens Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ceanothus Repens: La pianta Ceanothus, è un Arbusto sempreverde dal fogliame ovale, in primavera o in estate producono fiorellini profumati, riuniti in enormi racemi, allungati o a palla. La caratteristica peculiare del ceanoto sta sicuramente nel colore dei fiori, un azzurro cielo profondo ed intenso. Posizionare La pianta Ceanothus in...
Cedar Tree Cedar Tree 2
1261 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Cedar Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Cedar is an evergreen plant native to India. The leaves are oval with a dark green toothed margin. The flowers are large, red-purple in color. The fruits are large and oval. The zest is widely used to make liqueurs and essential oils while the juice is used as a drink. Height 150 / 160cm
Cedar Tree Hand of Buddha Cedar Tree Hand of Buddha 2
1096 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Cedar Tree Hand of Buddha

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The Hand of Buddha Cedar is a variety of cultivated cedar for ornamental purposes for the beauty of its particular hand-shaped fruits and for phytotherapeutic purposes for the beneficial properties of its thick rind also rich in a miraculous essential oil to combat cellulite. jar 22cm,height 150/170cm
Cedar Tree Hand of Buddha Cedar Tree Hand of Buddha 2
2075 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Cedar Tree Hand of Buddha

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Hand of Buddha Cedar is a variety of cultivated cedar for ornamental purposes for the beauty of its particular hand-shaped fruits and for phytotherapeutic purposes for the beneficial properties of its thick rind also rich in a miraculous essential oil to combat cellulite. jar 22cm,height 150/170cm
Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant 2
1425 pezzi -
Aromatic plants

Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Citronella Plant: Citronella plant is native to South-Western America. The species is the (lippia citridora) and it can be planted in the ground only in the regions with a mild winter climate, in the other regions it must be cultivated in pots, in sheltered places during the winter. Lemongrass is a deciduous, lance-shaped shrub of light...
Celery Seeds Celery Seeds 2
2113 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Celery Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cerastium Tomentosum Plant... Cerastium Tomentosum Plant... 2
Bush Plants

Cerastium Tomentosum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cerastium Tomentosum: Il cerastio detto anche Peverina è una piccola perenne tappezzante della famiglia delle Caryophyllaceae originaria dell’Europa. La pianta alta 30 – 40 cm tende a formare cespugli tondeggianti simili alla Gypsofila.Il Cerastio, Cerastium tomentosum, è una pianta erbacea ornamentale ideale per realizzare macchie di...
Ceratostigma Griffithii...
942 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Griffithii Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Griffithii: La pianta Ceratostigma è Originaria della Cina e dell'Asia centrale. I fusti sono sottili e ricadenti, che tendono ad allargarsi, rendendo la pianta tappezzante; le foglie sono ovali, di colore verde scuro, spesse e cuoiose, diventano color bronzo in autunno , prima di cadere dalla pianta. La parte aerea dissecca...
Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides...
892 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides: La pianta Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides è originaria della Cina, alta 30-40 cm e di pari diametro. Si tratta di una pianta suffruticosa, perenne, adatta per il giardino roccioso e per i muri a secco. Le foglie, alterne, abovate-lanceolate, diventano rose in autunno. I fiori, blu, larghi 1-2 cm, sbocciano da...
Ceratostigma Willmottianum...
926 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Willmottianum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Willmottianum: La pianta Ceratostigma willmottianum è un arbusto a portamento ordinato,con foglie lanceolate rosse. In autunno ama il terreno fresco, leggero. Come esposizione preferisce il sole; il fiore è blu e appartiene alla famiglia delle Plumbaginaceae. Il suo periodo di fioritura è Giugno - Ottobre e raggiunge...
Cercis plant
1976 pezzi -
Garden Trees

Cercis plant

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The Judas or Judea tree or siliquastro is a plant belonging to the Fabaceae family (or Leguminosae) and to the Cercis genus. The name derives from the Greek word kerkís, to indicate the shape of a “spacecraft” or a “shuttle”, and from the Latin siliqua, or “pod”, both in relation to the shape of its fruits. In ancient times, the fruit was...
Cestrum Plant Vase 7cm
1588 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Cestrum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cestrum : La pianta Cestrum è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Solanacee ed originaria dell’America centrale, particolarmente apprezzata per il portamento cespuglioso-rampicante e per la magnifica fioritura estiva. E’ caratterizzato da fusti eretti che portano foglie ovali ed appuntite dal colore verde brillante. Nel periodo...
Chamomile Seeds
9594 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Chamomile Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cherry Laurel plant Cherry Laurel plant 2
1374 pezzi -
Hedge Plants

Cherry Laurel plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Cherry Laurel Plant: The Cherry Laurel plant is a very common shrub in Italian gardens. It is a vigorous and resistant shrub, evergreen, with dense and compact vegetation; the leaves are oval, lanceolate, with a toothed margin, of a dark green color; in spring, small white star flowers bloom. Before placing the Cherry Laurel plant, it is...
Chervil Seeds Chervil Seeds 2
2317 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Chervil Seeds

Mondo Piante
Chestnut Tree
11083 pezzi -
Fruit Trees

Chestnut Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities : The European chestnut, in Italy more commonly called chestnut, is a tree belonging to the Fagaceae family and to the Castanea genus, of which it is the only native present in Europe. In recent decades, Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) has often been introduced for phytopathological reasons. The fruit has been used since ancient times,...
Chestnut Tree Chestnut Tree 2
1942 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Chestnut Tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The European chestnut, in Italy more commonly called chestnut, is a tree belonging to the Fagaceae family and to the Castanea genus, of which it is the only native present in Europe. In recent decades, Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) has often been introduced for phytopathological reasons. The fruit has been used since ancient times, as...
Chia Seeds Chia Seeds 2
469 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Chia Seeds

Mondo Piante
Chinese Mandarin Tree Chinese Mandarin Tree 2
2025 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Chinese Mandarin Tree

Mondo Piante
Generality Chinese Mandarin Tree: The Chinese Mandarin is an evergreen plant native to China. The leaves are small and aromatic, the flowers are white and very fragrant. An adult plant can produce a lot of fruit. The fruits are orange in color with a very sweet taste. jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Chinotto tree
10186 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Chinotto tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: The Chinotto tree is a small, slow-growing compact tree with small, bright green leaves. The flowers are small and white, very fragrant. The orange fruits are small and the pulp is bitter and acidic, they are not edible raw but are used to produce candied fruit, syrups, liqueurs, etc. Height 150 / 160cm
Chives Seeds
2468 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Chives Seeds

Mondo Piante
Chorisia tree Chorisia tree 2
Garden Trees

Chorisia tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities Chorisia tree: Chorisia speciosa is a tree of the Bombacaceae family (the same to which the baobab belongs) and immediately catches the attention for its trunk full of thorns. The trunk, just like that of the baobab tree, is swollen at the base and is covered with large conical thorns. In its natural habitat, Chorisia speciosa can reach and...
Cicerchia Seeds
11470 pezzi -
Vegetable Seeds

Cicerchia Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cineraria Maritima Plant
10916 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Cineraria Maritima Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Maritima: La pianta di cineraria è un genere che comprende circa 3000 specie di piante, molto differenti tra loro anche per caratteristiche botaniche. Include infatti sia piante erbacee che arbustive, sia specie succulente che carnose. Piante erbacee perenni dal fogliame grigio argenteo, utilizzate come tapezzanti. Vaso 7cm,...
Cineraria Seeds
1082 pezzi -
Seeds and Bulbs

Cineraria Seeds

Mondo Piante
Cineraria Sylver Dust...
1017 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Cineraria Sylver Dust Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Sylver Dust: La cineraria ‘Silver Dust' è un arbusto che appartiene alla famiglia delle Asteraceae. L’altezza della pianta non supera i 50cm, in genere è in media di 40 cm o più piccola. Le foglie di questa cultivar sono persistenti. Il fiore è giallo appartiene alla famiglia delle Asteraceae, il suo periodo di fioritura è...
Cistus Plant
1258 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Cistus Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Cistus: La pianta Cistus, Arbusto di media grandezza, sempreverde è originario dell'area mediterranea. Ha portamento eretto e forma tondeggiante, molto ramificata e disordinata, può raggiungere i 90-100 cm di altezza. Le foglie sono ovali, cuoiose, di colore verde brillante, generalmente ricoperte da una sottile e spessa peluria. Da...
Clementine tree Clementine tree 2
9909 pezzi -
Citrus Plants

Clementine tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities Clementine tree: The clementine tree (Citrus x clementina) is a hybrid generated by the cross between mandarin and bitter orange belonging to the Rutaceae family. Considered more of a variety of mandarin, this plant is actually a species of the genus Citrus as it is capable of reproducing and maintaining the characteristics and qualities of...
Clivia Plant
Bush Plants

Clivia Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Clusia rosea plant Princess...
Piante Da Interno

Clusia rosea plant Princess Vase 34cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Clusia rosea Princess plant: the Clusia rosea (or Clusia major) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Clusiaceae family. It is a slow growing plant and is grown primarily for the beauty of its leaves and flowers. ... It has oval and glossy leaves, thick, leathery and dark green in color. jar 34cm, height 140cm AVAILABLE IN 5/7 DAYS
Clusia rosea plant Princess...
Piante Da Interno

Clusia rosea plant Princess Vase 34cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Clusia rosea Princess plant: Clusia rosea (or Clusia major) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Clusiaceae family. It is a slow growing plant and is grown primarily for the beauty of its leaves and flowers. ... It has oval and glossy leaves, thick, leathery and dark green in color. jar 34cm, height 140cm avaible IN 5/7 days
Coleonema Pulchrum Plant Coleonema Pulchrum Plant 2
1371 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Coleonema Pulchrum Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Coleonema Pulchrum: La pianta Coleonema è un arbusto sempreverde di dimensioni medie, originario dell’Africa meridionale. Ha sviluppo denso e compatto e con l’età può raggiungere i 150-200 cm di altezza; il fogliame è lineare, quasi squamiforme, di piccole dimensioni, di colore verde chiaro, molto aromatico; lo sviluppo è densamente...
Common Myrtle Plant Common Myrtle Plant 2
821 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Common Myrtle Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Mirto Comune: Le piante di Mirto sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per la bellezza delle foglie,dei fiori e delle bacche,utilizzati anche nell'arte topiaria. Si tratta di una pianta arbustiva, il cui fusto può raggiungere i tre metri di altezza, le foglie sono di forma ovale, di colore verde scuro e delicatamente profumate. I...
Common Walnut Tree Common Walnut Tree 2
2065 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

Common Walnut Tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Common Walnut Tree:Walnut is one of the oldest fruit trees cultivated by man.Its fruits can be eaten fresh or dried. In addition, they can be used to make sweets, to extract their oil and, when they are still green, to make the famous nocino liqueur. The walnut tree is also of great value for its precious, hard and eternal wood. It is no...
Convallaria Japonica Plant,...
Bush Plants

Convallaria Japonica Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Convallaria Japonica: La pianta Convallaria, piccola perenne rizomatosa è originaria dell'Europa e dell'asia. I rizomi carnosi si sviluppano allargandosi poco profondamente, ognuno di essi produce due foglie lanceolate, larghe ed erette, leggermente carnose, di colore verde, solcate da venature poco profonde; sottili stoloni si dipartono...
Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm 2
1026 pezzi -
Bush Plants

Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Convolvolus: La pianta Convolvolus è una pianta erbacea, rampicante annuale o perenne, talvolta semiarbustiva o cespugliosa. Le foglie possono essere cuoriformi, lanceolate, a forma di spatola, con margini lisci o dentellati, glabre o pelose di color verde chiaro o scuro a seconda della specie. I fiori sono sempre a forma di imbuto molto...
Coprosma Tricolor Plant Coprosma Tricolor Plant 2
Bush Plants

Coprosma Tricolor Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Coprosma Tricolor: La pianta Coprosma è un Arbusto sempreverde molto particolare, dalle foglie ovali, carnose e lucidissime, tanto da sembrare a volte bagnate. Originaria della Nuova Zelanda, queste piante in natura diventano degli arbusti alti 60/80cm. La pianta è decorativa soprattutto per le foglie che sono cangianti in base alla...
copy of 'Dionaea Muscipula'...
Carnivorous plants

copy of 'Dionaea Muscipula' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Dionaea Muscipula Plant: The carnivorous plant Dionea is one of the most appreciated of the genus and also among the most widespread in Italy: also called "acchiappamosche", this plant feeds on insects: the flies are attracted by the color and smell that give off the leaves but as soon as they arrive inside the leaves close like a...
copy of 'Drosera Capensis'...
1098 pezzi -
Carnivorous plants

copy of 'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
copy of 'Nepenthes'... copy of 'Nepenthes'... 2
Carnivorous plants

copy of 'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
copy of 'Ogliarola Barese'...
499 pezzi -
Olive Plants

copy of 'Ogliarola Barese' olive tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Ogliarola Barese olive tree: Ogliarola Barese, a typical Apulian cultivar, is also known as 'Paesana'. It is a widespread species in the central area of the province of Bari and is mainly collected by hand. From this particular variety of olives, highly appreciated since ancient times, a delicate and fine extra virgin olive oil is...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
978 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
  • New
4985 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
929 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
4544 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
1623 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
  • New
4975 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
644 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
1611 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Acacia tree
Garden Trees

copy of Acacia tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly called acacia or black locust, is a plant of the Fabaceae family (legumes), native to North America and naturalized in Europe and widespread in Italy. Very reproductive coppices are found in Lombardy, Veneto and Tuscany. Acacia is known as a very useful medicinal plant in the field of natural remedies and...
copy of Acacia tree
500 pezzi -
Garden Trees

copy of Acacia tree

Mondo Piante
Generalities: Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly called acacia or black locust, is a plant of the Fabaceae family (legumes), native to North America and naturalized in Europe and widespread in Italy. Very reproductive coppices are found in Lombardy, Veneto and Tuscany. Acacia is known as a very useful medicinal plant in the field of natural remedies and...
copy of Achillea Ptarmica...

copy of Achillea Ptarmica Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Achillea Ptarmica Plant: The carnivorous plant Dionea is one of the most appreciated of the genus and also among the most widespread in Italy: also called "acchiappamosche", this plant feeds on insects: the flies are attracted by the color and smell that give off the leaves but as soon as they arrive inside the leaves close like a...
copy of Adenium Obesum Plant
  • New

copy of Adenium Obesum Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
copy of Adenium Obesum Plant
Bush Plants

copy of Adenium Obesum Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
copy of Adenium Obesum Plant

copy of Adenium Obesum Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
1343 pezzi -
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
485 pezzi -

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii... copy of Aeonium Haworthii... 2
497 pezzi -
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
494 pezzi -
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
487 pezzi -
Bush Plants

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
copy of Albero di Amarena
991 pezzi -
Fruit Plants

copy of Albero di Amarena

Mondo Piante
Generalità Albero di Amarena: L’albero dell’amarena (Prunus ceranus) è parente stretto del ciliegio ed è noto anche come visciolo o amarasco. Originario dell’Asia Minore, nella zona compresa tra il Mar Nero e il Mar Caspio, produci frutti dal sapore agrodolce ma comunque molto gustosi, che rappresentano un vero e proprio toccasana per la nostra salute....
copy of Alocasia tree
  • New
499 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1580 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
485 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
27 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
488 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1103 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1084 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1595 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
480 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1601 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1260 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
Piante Da Interno

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1383 pezzi -
Piante Da Interno

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
999 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1469 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
11529 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1111 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
498 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
1110 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
952 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
Piante Da Colezione

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1139 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
499 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
1541 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
480 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
425 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Alocasia tree
495 pezzi -

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Aloe Ferox... copy of Aloe Ferox... 2
2499 pezzi -
Succulent plants

copy of Aloe Ferox Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
Generality Of The Succulent Plant 'Aloe Ferox': The Succulent Plant Aloe Ferox is a Wild Aloe, less known than the best known aloe vera. Aloe ferox has a very similar appearance to that of aloe vera, but its thorns are more pointed at the ends, moreover it has thicker and fleshy leaves with red-brown spines on the edges. Its gel is rich in vitamins and...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera... copy of Aloe Vera... 2

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
copy of Aloe Vera...

copy of Aloe Vera Variegated Plant Pot 12cm

Mondo Piante
Generality of Aloe Vera Succulent Plant: Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and it is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already done more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotany on Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant stages in the history...
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