Aristolochia Gigantea Plant
General Aristolochia plant:
Then Aristolochia gigantea plant is native to Brazil, Colombia and Panama. It is an evergreen climbing plant, with lignified stems that reach 10 m in height. The leaves are arranged alternately, obovate in shape with pointed apex and the color is light green. The flowers are very large, solitary, without petals, with the calyx consisting of a bulging and curved tube of greenish-white color, which widens and has the shape of a pipe with the vertical end enlarged and up to 20 cm long, thickly flecked with wine color.
Aristolochia Plant Online Sale, available in the following formats:
- Vase 7cm, Height 5/15cm
- Vase 18cm, Height 60/80cm
Aristolochia Plant Online Sale, available in the following formats:
Vase 7cm, Height 5 / 15cm
Vase 18cm, Height 60 / 80cm
General Aristolochia plant:
Aristolochia gigantea is native to Brazil, Colombia and Panama. It is an evergreen climbing plant, with lignified stems at the base that reach 10 m in height. The leaves are arranged alternately, obovate in shape with a pointed apex and light green in color. The flowers are very large, solitary, without petals, with the calyx consisting of a swollen and curved tube of greenish-white color, which widens and takes the form of a pipe with the vertical end enlarged and up to 20 cm long , thickly flecked with wine color. They give off a not very pleasant perfume. The peculiarity of these plants are the flowers that in most species emanate very intense perfumes to attract insects, functioning as real traps since the pollinators, once they enter the corolla, slide on a waxy coating that is found at inside the floral tube that allows you to enter but not to exit because it has numerous hairs that act as a barrier. The same shape of the flower, tubular and with a swollen base, favors the capture of the insect. Only after fertilization has occurred and with the drying of the flower, captive insects, covered with pollen, will be able to go out and go to pollinate another plant.
Aristolochia Plant Cultivation and Care:
Aristolochia plants are easily cultivated plants that require few and simple precautions. They are plants that do not tolerate low temperatures and do not like full sun but partial shade positions. From spring and throughout the summer they should be watered abundantly while starting from autumn and throughout the winter, irrigations should be significantly reduced. They are not particularly demanding as regards soils, even if they prefer light substrates, rich in organic matter and well draining as they do not tolerate water stagnation. Starting from spring and throughout the summer they must be fertilized using a liquid fertilizer diluted in the watering water every two weeks and halving the doses compared to what is reported in the fertilizer package.