Pitosforo Tobira plant
Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant:
The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be fertile and well drained. V Plant that needs to be exposed to direct sunlight. Generally if the climate is harsh it is not necessary to water during the winter months.
- jar 7cm, height 5/15cm
- jar 14cm, height 20/30cm
- jar 18cm, height 40/60cm
Online Sale Pitosforo Tobira Plant, available in the following sizes:
- jar 7cm, height 5/15cm
- jar 14cm, height 20/30cm
- jar 18cm, height 40/50cm
Generalità Pianta Pitosforo Tobira :
La Pianta Pitosforo è un arbusto o un piccolo albero, in natura ne esistono varie specie, originarie dell’Africa, dell’Asia e dell’Australia. Si tratta di un grande arbusto, a crescita abbastanza lenta, sempreverde, con foglie spatolate, spesso riunite in mazzetti, soprattutto all’apice dei rami; hanno colore verde scuro, lucido e sono caratterizzate da una vistosa venatura chiara, che attraversa la foglia al centro. In primavera i pitosfori producono piccoli fiori carnosi, di colore bianco, che divengono crema con il passare dei giorni; sono molto profumati e sbocciano riuniti in racemi o pannocchie; l’arbusto con il tempo tende ad assumere un portamento tondeggiante, ma viene spesso potato per assumere le forme più varie; i pitosfori vengono molto utilizzati per comporre delle siepi compatte e dense. Dopo la fioritura i pitosfori producono delle bacche semi legnose, al cui interno sono presenti i semi fertili, ricoperto da una polpa resinosa.
Plant Care and Cultivation Pitosforo Tobira :
The Pitosforo Tobira plant is widely used in gardens as it is a resistant and vigorous shrub; these plants tolerate drought and cold well, and can remain outdoors even with minimum temperatures close to -10 ° C; occasionally they can be ruined by the very intense and prolonged cold, and therefore in the regions located near the mountains they are often cultivated in pots, so that they can be placed under the shelter of a terrace in case of very intense cold. The pittosporum like to be placed in a sunny place, or even in partial shade, but they certainly develop poorly if placed in an area of the garden that is always shaded. However, they are rustic shrubs, which generally are not ruined by the climate or even by the brackish wind; they are in fact widely used for urban furnishings in seaside areas. Newly planted plants may need watering, during late spring and summer, to encourage rooting; a pittosporum planted for a few years can easily be satisfied with the water provided by the bad weather, in order to favor its proper taking root. At the end of winter, slow-release granular fertilizer is spread at the foot of the shrub, to periodically enrich the soil with mineral salts.