Italy grape tree
Grape Italia has beautiful and tempting clusters, tasty, golden and spherical-shaped berries, grape Italia is one of the most loved and requested varieties by lovers of this fruit. From the symmetrical conical cluster, which can weigh up to 700 g, it is characterized by a sweet pulp and a crunchy and thick skin. , PP, mineral salts and organic acids as well as numerous other substances such as tannins, lavonoids and antiocyans. The effect is refreshing, energetic, remineralizing, detoxifying. Grape Italia has a very low satiating power.
- Vase 22cm, Height: 150/170cm
Cultivation and Care:
The cultivation of table grapes is also possible in pots. For the sapling cultivation, wooden poles are used as supports; subsequently it will be necessary to fix the vine with galvanized wires at different heights, to these the shoots will be fixed with plastic ties. The grape harvest begins from mid-July to the end of December, depending on the variety and cultivation technique. It should be remembered that the grapes must be irrigated starting from flowering while irrigation must be suspended 15 days before harvest to avoid splitting the berries. As regards pruning, old branches must be wisely cut. Pruning is best done in autumn or late winter.